Wednesday, September 07, 2005

More Information on Hurricane Katrina Relief

MediShare International Chairman Bill Stenberg, N5QF is back from Alaska, and sends the following information:

Dear All,
Again we are facing great disasters, and we are all being asked to help the less fortunate in their time of need. We will be making a group contribution on behalf of MARCO to Direct Relief International for the aid of the victims of the Gulf Coast disaster. If you would like to make a contribution, send it to

MediShare International
c/o William Stenberg/ N5QF
611 West Downing Street
Tahlequah, OK 74464
Please make checks out to: "Ludin Memorial Fund" and make a note directing it to the Gulf Coast disaster. DRI has a very good history of making sure our donations do the most good in helping those in need. We have partnered with them in the past, i.e., last years Tsunami project, and they were very grateful for our support, as well as very responsible with the funds. Please help if you can.
Here in Northeast Oklahoma we are currently receiving about 3000 evacuees into the Camp Gruber facility. Our hospital (Hastings Indian Medical Center) is providing physicians and nurses, and we are also providing ham radio support around the clock. We have had a good response from local hams to work in 12 hour shifts (I am scheduled for Saturday from 7pm to 7am). We are hoping that life can get back to normal for these people, but we realize that it will take a long time.
73 from N5QF,

William Stenberg, DDS, MPH
Director, MediShare International

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