Friday, December 26, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for December 28, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Another Sunday coming--Rick VE6 GK was apparently unavailable last Sunday. We will discuss "Hyperbaric Oxgen" this Sunday. Hyperbaric Oxygen is giving 2 or more atmospheres of oxygen to wounds expecting them to heal faster. We don't hear too much about them because only 20 medical schools plus have hyperbaric chambers available.

Tune in, should be fun.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Merry (Ham Radio) Christmas

Thanks to Smitty, W6CS, and the NCCC for this defacement of a classic verse:

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the shack
The rig was turned off and the mike cord lay slack.
The antenna rotor had made its last turn,
The tubes in the linear have long ceased to burn.
I sat there relaxing and took off my specs,
Preparing to daydream of armchair DX,
When suddenly outside I heard such a sound,
I dashed out the door to see what was around.
The moon shone down brightly and lighted the night-
For sure, propagation for the low bands was right.
I peered towards the roof where I heard all the racket,
And there was some guy in a red, fur-trimmed jacket.
I stood there perplexed in a manner quite giddy.
Just who was this stranger - di di dah dah di di?
He looked very much like an FCC guy,
Who'd come to check up on some bad TVI.
I shouted to him, "OM, QRZ"
"Hey, you by the chimney, all dressed up in red."
I suddenly knew when I heard sleighbells jingle.
The guy on the rooftop was jolly Kris Kringle.
He had a big sack full of amateur gear,
Which made a big load for a prancing reindeer.
Transmitters, receivers, for cabinets and racks,
Some meters and scopes and a lot of co-ax.
He said not a word 'cause he'd finished his work
He picked up his sack, then he turned with a jerk.
As he leaped to his sleigh, he shouted with glee,
And I knew in a moment he'd be QRT.
But I heard him transmit as he flew o'er the trees
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all seventy-three's."

Friday, December 19, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for December 21, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we promised Rick in Calgary to discuss hyperbaric oxygen...we still have to finish off MOHS surgery. Maybe we can get both in..both interesting subjects.

Tune in 14.307, 10 a.m. eastern Sunday.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Spam strikes!

We were blitzed with spam comments today.
I have changed this blog's settings so that only members of googlegroups can post comments.

The web site linked to from comments posted by "chat," "tchat," "music," or "anonymous " contains potentially harmful content. DO NOT VISIT THIS WEBSITE.


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for December 14, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we are going to discuss "MOHS SURGERY."

To those not familiar with Mohs a brief find a growth on your nose and go to a dermatologist. He says "We can remove it by standard means and it will cost you $100 or we can use Mohs surgery and it will cost you $3,000.

Which would you pick? Why would anyone go for the more expensive way? Are surgeons using this to pad their wallets or are they honest in the their recommendation? This is your problem as a doctor and a patient--what choice should I make?

Tune in, should be interesting.

There has been some interesting email in follow-up to this topic.

Alfred Greenwald WA2CBA, a retired plastic surgeon described his experience:
Just to add a note on my experience with MOHS Surgery in the discussion on Sunday. As a plastic surgeon, I was not impressed with MOHS technic because in the two cases I saw prior to my retirement, the dermatologist doing the original procedure was not able or capable of handling the reconstruction with restoration of function.
1) A dentist friend of mine who served with me in the Army in 1955 had MOHS surgery by a dermatologist for a basal cell carcinoma of the right lower eyelid resulting in an ectropian of the lid. I reconstructed the lower lid using a full thickness skin graft taken from the upper lid and suturing the upper and lower lid margins together temporarily for a week with an excellent end result.
2) An elderly male patient who consulted with me wearing a band aide across the upper lip. A local plastic surgeon had referred him to the same dermatologist from the case above who treated this patient using MOHS surgery to remove a basal cell carcinoma of the mid portion of the upper lip just beneath the columella of the nose. He had a wide defect of the upper lip showing his upper central incisor teeth with his lateral lips closed. I recommended reconstruction of the upper lip using a two stage procedure with a V shaped pedicle flap from the lower lip. He declined the surgery and continued to wear the band aide.
Alfred WA2CBA
Mary K Favaro AE4BX had these memories:

I have the honor of actually knowing and being taught by Dr. Mohs (thought I'd throw that in for some celebrity prestige....). He had already retired but was a professor emeritus when I was a med student at Univ of Wisconsin. He came in for some dermatology lectures - on - you guessed it his Mohs technique. This was in the mid 60's and derms were still being trained in the procedure.
Also had Dr. Schilling of the Schilling test as a hematology prof. And of course WARFarin is named for the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation" after their work on cows and fermented grain.
I myself haven't invented anything important enough to carry my name. Maybe that's why I'm banished to the South.
Still traveling and doing Locum Tenens. Hope to get some station time when the sunspots improve enough to make my lousy attic antennas function.
Mary K Favaro MD
Surfside Beach SC

Saturday, December 06, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for December 7, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Last Sunday we did some day--morning dreaming. We picked up a couple of sleep walkers and learned that a lunatic is a wakeful dreamer. Thus, the dream has been called a short-lasting psychosis and a psychosis is a long-lasting dream.

This Sunday we will continue the discussion on dreams.

There was an AP bulletin on a fellow who thought his life was being portrayed on a TV show--this is called "the Truman Syndrome" after a delusional movie filmed in 1998 in which a phony, stage-set world was set and he was the star....When I was in 5th grade I once thought my eyes were a projector and the world was a movie!!! Fortunately, I grew out of that..anyone ever have that delusion?

Tune in should be fun.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for November 30, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will attempt to sew jello to jello by talking about dreams as suggested by Alfred Greenwald. This is a tough one so will need all the help oen can your research and bring what may to the mike Sunday--personal experiences especially.

The newsletter AETHER went in the mail Tuesday Nov. 25th. Tried via internet but a no-go....will try again.

Marco needs a vitamin..our membership has settled at 200 down from 232 so in order to keep the organ vital we will need some gift memberships. Perhaps the directors can offer guest memberships at a discount--say $10 like we did in Dayton. More later.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for November 23, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Last Sunday we got "rained out" by contestodors....will attempt at finishing HEPATITIS C on Sunday.

Request by Alfred to discuss "Dreams". Does anyone know anymore about dreams than none of us do? He says some of his friends don't can he tell if they can't tell once they wake up? I had a dream two nights ago that I was awake and couldn't get to sleep. When I finally awoke, I thought I was dreaming! That's a first for me.

The question arises Do you dream in color? If you are German do you dream in German or English? Will try "Dreams" week after next....

Sunday, November 16, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for November 16, 2008

The November 16, 2008 edition of MARCO Grand Rounds of the Air has been postponed until the following week due to interference from the ARRL Sweepstakes.

Next week we will continue our discussion of hepatitis C.

CQ contest, CQ contest...

Friday, October 31, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for November 2, 2008

The net was pushed off the air by CQWWSSB activity last week, so...

We will try again this week to finish up "not catching the flu."

Now that we have good propagation everyone wants to get on the the way in the next AETHER there is a story of the relationship between low sun spots and cold winters (tnx to Bob VE3OQM)-- predicting a very early cold winter this is now snowing in Philadelphia.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for October 26, 2008 - POSTPONED!

UPDATE - due to QRM from the CQWW - SSB contest, the October 26 GRand Rounds has been postponed until the following week, November 2. See you then.

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Last Sunday we had a record-breaking 2008 check-in of 44. Propagation is improving !

This Sunday we will continue the discussion of Influenza. This is a disease that, like hurricanes, can blow you away--yet so many of us take it as "just a bad cold." Last year the flu killed 36,000 Americans. One of the new directives states we should not use Symmetrel (Amantadine) or Flumadine (Rimantadine), a long stand by treatment for type A influenza. WHY? They state, because too many flu bugs in the USA have become resistant--will you go along with this????

Tune in Sunday 14.307 10 am. eastern time....Warren kd4gua

Note: Just had annual blood work at Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater, FL...the new electronic system now required me to identify myself with a handprint of the veins in my hand, which they state is more accurate than a fingerprint allowing them to align with my medical records. Questions: Is this privacy going too far at too high a price? Or, am I standing in the way of progress? What is your opinion?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for October 19, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Flu season is about to happen--this Sunday we will talk about influenza (from the Italian which means "influence" ).

Is live intranasal influenza vaccine BACK? Tune in and find out...14.307, Sunday, 10 a.m Eastern...should be fun.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for October 12, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we hope to conclude the series on the Large Hadron Collider...the Swiss 17 mile "cyclotron" where protons will collide with protons thus breaking into its particles which will be examined to try and find the solution to the Big Bang and the completion of the Standard Model of the Universe.

Paul K6DMV has sent a comprehensive history of the events taking place which will be in the next Aether.

Tune in and have a cup of black coffee available, this is a toughie but a valuable subject. Warren

14.307, 10 a.m. Eastern time.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Poor propagation KO's Grand Rounds

On Sunday, September 28 we had planned to conclude Harry WB9EDP's discussion of the Large Hadron Collider.

Unfortunately, propagation was so lousy that the net adjourned early. We will attempt this talk again on this upcoming Sunday, October 5.


CW net controller Bob, VE3OQM has called for a frequency change. Drop down 5, to 14.302 MHz.

The time remains unchanged: Sunday at 9:30AM Eastern Time.

Friday, September 05, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for September 7, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Welcome to a lull in the sun spot cycle--none all last month with excellent lousy propagation.

This Sunday it was requested we talk about "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," but since it is a syndrome and not a disease and so little is known about the combination of symptoms have decided to put it on the burner for now.

Instead, we will discuss "Should men over 75 have a PSA test?" Because of the complications of treatment in older men there has been some uneasiness about messing around with these folks because only 1 in 4 die of the disease which is mostly slow-growing over 10 years or more, outliving their life expectancy.

What is your opinion?

We will also discuss the latest treatments for BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertropy) which almost all men get while the women get fibroids of the uterus.

Should be fun....tune in 14.307, 10 a.m. Eastern time Sunday.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Grand Rounds Audio Archives are online

If you missed a session of the Ground Rounds on the Air we have archived the net for your online pleasure. Be patient as these MP3 files will take 2-5 minutes with high speed Internet service for these files to download and start playing. If you left mouse click the file they will download and open up and play using the audio player that you use by default on your own computer.

To listen on your iPod just right click, save to your iTunes directory and sync your iPod.

Thanks to Chip, N5RTF, for recording and archiving these mp3 files. Thanks to Warren, KD4GUA, for listing the topics of each week. Most sessions starting from October 8, 2006 are available at

- Jay, AA4FL (member of the Web committee, along with Chip N5RTF and Bruce KM2L)

Friday, August 22, 2008

How about a MARCO book??

MARCO member David Rathke, KI5NG is compiling members' experiences for a book

This idea got rolling when Smitty W6CS posted a satirical piece to the email reflector, involving a man bargaining with his dentist for the best price on a tooth extraction. Several others contributed their real life experiences to the conversation. Then Chip N5RTF opined:

I would imagine every practitioner could write a book about bizarre and unreasonable requests from patients.

One night on call as a resident, I got a call from the ER: "We have a patient here who wants to kill a psychiatrist. Will you come see him?"

That prompted David to respond:

And, with the best collected, could make a good one. So, let's write one! People love the bizarre but true, not to mention laughing at themselves.

Chapters could be classified by specialty (a la Richard Lederer's Anguished English: An Anthology of Accidental Assaults Upon Our Language)

Profits go to MediShare. How about it?

Smitty quickly nominated David to be in charge, so here is the assignment for MARCO members:

Sure. That will be easy and fun to compile and classify.

And, certainly, all stories are welcome. The more, the better.

Feel free to send them directly to me at ...but it might jog some memories if we keep at least some on the listserv. I remember such things much better when reading about some else's experiences.

I can't wait to read a copy!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for August 24, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday 14.307, 10 EST we will discuss "Omega-3." This is not an undercover agent, it is a fatty acid that is gaining momentum as a nutritional giant.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Change is afoot...

MARCO's Internet presence is about to change.

After hosting our listserv for about 10 years, the State University of New York at Buffalo has invited us to leave. After September 15, they will be supporting only email lists that relate directly to the business of the University. At this time the Internet Committee (AA4FL, N5RTF and KM2L) and the officers are testing a mailing list hosted through Google Groups. We expect to go "live" in a week or so. The new arrangement will offer additional features that we didn't have before, such as archiving and the ability to post files for other members to download.

Although the University has not asked us (yet) to remove our web site, we are in the process of relocating it. The url will remain the same: but the files will reside on a server at

Jay, AA4FL, has been hard at work enhancing the look and function of the MARCO web site. We will soon have better contact information, a page for students, and an on-line events calendar.

Look for even more goodies in the weeks to come.


MARCO Grand Rounds for August 17, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

It was requested that we discuss "Lawyers & Insurance companies." This is such a broad subject that we will attempt something new. Those born in an even months will be the customers and those born in an odd month will be the lawyers and insurance men.

Since I was born in an even month I will be the first customer.

You must take part--none of this hop-skip-and jump business. If you check in you will probably be called on for an opinion so don't get bored--get rattled. Tune in Sunday, 14.307, 10 a.m. EST

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for August 10, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday 14.307, 10 a.m. EDT, we will finish up the discussion on "Get your Lab test Now," (without seeing a doctor). This should be short and sweet so we will then move on to the advocation for mandatory menu-board labeling of calories as a means to address obesity, whereas national and local restaurant associations have mobilized to block these efforts. Researchers have found that almost ALL restaurant food is excessive in calories--fat tastes good!

How about trying Wendy's "Spinach Burger" with free low-cal water.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for August 3, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will reflect on a new trend taking place with an outfit called "Any Lab Test Now." This fast growing direct to consumer will by-pass the doctor when the patient requires lab testing.

The concept is legal
because the company contracts with physicians in the states it does busines, to sign off on all the tests. All it requires is one venipuncturer and a store front. The blood is then transferred to legitimate labs and results are sent out the next day. Price for lab testing drops about 30% + does not require a doctor visit. Franchise? Only $30,000.

Tune in--another shocker--is it good or bad?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for July 13, 2008

Sorry for the late posting. I was on the road.

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will snore our way through SLEEP APNEA #2. We had a lot of fun with it last week, it should be better this week...since all you fellows are sound sleepers! 10 a.m. Sunday, 14.307.

MARCO Grand Rounds for July 6, 2008

Sorry for the late posting - I was on the road.

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday, as requested, we will talk about SLEEP APNEA. We almost all SNORE so we are all possible victims of this noisy disease--GASP!

Tune in, should be fun, 14.307, 10 a.m EDT.

The deadline for our Newsletter Aether is coming up for the August edition. If you want to contribute, get it in the mail pronto. Still haven't received CANADA NEWS from Bob VE3OQM. Bruce KM2L is on vacation so I have improvised his "20 years ago in MARCO" column. Danny crossed the press time ribbon okay.

Anything you want to sell or buy? Send to Marco, P.O. Box 127 Indian Rocks, FL 33785.

Monday, June 16, 2008

MARCO Grand Rou nds for June 22, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will discuss "Metabolic Syndrome." Over 30% of adult Americans have it and don't know it--until--they suddenly become aware when a prominent newsman passes. Did he have Metabolic Syndrome? Do you and I have it? What can we do about it?

This is a tough nut to crack. Instead of correcting a mistake, most just keep on making it worse. Soon 51% of Americans will have metabolic syndrome and then it will become "normal" because "normal" is the behavior of the majority! Then we will start treating abnormal (healthy) people who are not sick thinking we are doing the right thing.

What a mess--yes, even dogs get it--bow wow!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for June 15, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will continue the discussion of the GAMMA KNIFE. This is an amazing device that is changing neurosurgery. It is limited however to the brain and neck.

Tune in, should be fun

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for June 8, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will follow through on the Kennedy brain tumor story by discussing THE GAMMA KNIFE. This will be an update from the lecture on July 20, 2003. The Gamma Knife is becoming more available and its benefits are outstanding.

Tune in, 14.307, Sunday, 10 a.m. Eastern time.

"Aether" went into the mail yesterday so you should be receiving it shortly. There are too many members delinquent so check your renewal label, we don't want to lose you.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for June 1, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will discuss BRAIN TUMORS in light of the findings on Senator Kennedy. He is one of 9,000 people in the U.S. who will find out this year they have this fast growing brain cancer and few treatment options.

It was my opinion that headache was not a prime symptom until the late stages but apparently this has changed recently.

Tune in should be fun????

Monday, May 19, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for May 25, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday's topic will be "DAYTON 2008." Those of us who attended will inform those that missed the annual event, as several important points were brought up which can affect Marco in the future.

Those who attended and took photos should send them to Aether for publication.

Harry, WB9EDP, our new President, and his wonderful wife Ellen KC9ARN, were there but there stay was shortened because of a practice responsibility. President-elect for 2010-is Linda KE5BQK. Linda will be Marco's first woman president.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Live From Dayton, May 17 2008

MARCO's annual meeting has come to a successful close.

The booth remained a highly active place, with crowds attracted by Paul N6DMV's Dr. Pepper-can model of a satellite, suitable outfitted with a blinking LED. I have nominated Paul for the post of official MARCO sculptor.

With Arnold delivering his convincing sales pitch, we signed up four new members today. They are:

Matt Myszkowski KD8HMX
Tom Brewer W0RPH
Carlyle Rowland N0ARN
John Kalotai N1OLO

Honors for the major HamVention purchase of the day went to Chip N5RTF for his new March magnetic paddle. The best flea market artifact was definitely the control yoke from a B52!

Late in the afternoon, Bruce KM2L did an interview with Information Radio 1660 AM. They had a booth at HamVention and broadcast throughout the event. He put in a good word for MARCO, for MediShare International and for amateur radio in general. This interview will be available on the Web. I will supply the link once I review it to be sure that it is not a complete embarrassment.

Unfortunately, Harry WB9EDP and Ellen KC9ARN had to return to Chicago, as Harry had to go to work following the riot at Cook County Jail.

MARCO's banquet at the Holiday Inn North was well-attended. Marc Weinberg K9PET of Casual Dx presented an account of the ham radio trip to Antarctica he hosted with Lindblad/National Geographic. What an adventure!!

Tomorrow we go our separate ways until next year's meeting. See you in a week on 14.307 MHz.

Dayton, Friday May 16

It had rained overnight, and the day dawned gray and cold so we knew that it must be Dayton. Conditions improved progressively, so by afternoon it was very pleasant.

MARCO's members attended the annual meeting in the morning, with the exception of WA3ZZU who was compelled to hit the flea market early. The minutes of this meeting aer contained in the previous posting. We were excited and heppy to be treated to he company and participation of "first-timers" Linda KE5BQK, Bernie KD5QHV, Ellen KC9ARN, Harry WB9EDP, and John WB2MXJ.

In the afternoon it was off to HamVention! Your scribe has not yet made it to the flea market, but hears that it is smaller than in past years. Indoors was jumping. As usual the hat embroiderers, Flex Radio and Piero Begali drew enthusiastic crowds all day.

A couple of new software-defined radio products were on display. The Perseus SDR direct-sampling HF receiver looks particularly interesting. A Japanese vendor was showing a "do-it-yourself" radio. He supplies the cabinet, chassis, dial and mechanisms, and blank copper-clad PC boards. You design and build the radio.

Jeff K6JW was the clear winner in terms of money spent, as he is now the proud owner of a new Begali Graciela paddle and a high-power MFJ autotuner. I have been a relatively good boy thus far, purchasing only a balun from DX Engineering.

There were several visitors to the MARCO booth, many attracted by N6DMV's Dr. Pepper can sculpture of a satellite. We signed up new members Bryan KY4MD and Mark N8CPR (dude, you forgot to pay). Current members Mike NR3C and Yoshi JH1URT stopped by to say "Hello" and to renew their memberships.

In the evening at Roger's W8CRK urging most of us shuttled to Caffe Anticoli on north Main Street for a good time and pretty decent Italian fare.

On Saturday a full day is planned at Hara Arena, although some members may peel off for a visit to the Air Force Museum.

Stay tuned...

Minutes of the 2008 MARCO Annual Meeting

Minutes of the MARCO 2008 Annual Meeting

Members in attendance: Arnold WB6OJB, Bruce KM2L, Chip N5RTF, Danny W4DAN, Warren KD4GUA, Lou WA1HGE, Tom W3GAT, Linda KE5BQK, Bernie KD5QHV, Paul N6DMV, John WD8NMV, Roger W8CRK, Rich K9CIV, Jay AA4FL, Jeff K6JW, Keith N3IM, Joe WB2MXJ, Harry WB9EDP, Ellen KC9ARN, Lionel 4X1LL, Dave KT8E.

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 AM EDT by President WB6OJB.

WB6OJB thanked KD4GUA, W4DAN, WA1HGE and KM2L for their help and support of the organization.

Danny W4DAN read the minutes of the 2007 annual meeting. These were approved.

Lou WA1HGE presented the Treasurer's report. Dues income is down about $1000 from last year, but the MARCO balance is holding steady. The MediShare account is down to $1194.11 due to expenditure for the Sri Lanka VHF radio project. The Treasurer's report was approved.

Bruce KM2L proposed the formation of a Internet Committee to tap into the considerable expertise present in the organization, and to ensure the ability to access and edit Web pages should anyhting happen to a single member of the group. The formation of a committee was approved, with AA4FL, N5RTF, N3IM and KM2L appointed as members. AA4FL proposed the consolidation of MARCO's various accounts into a single account with one hosting service. For ease of access and editing at a reasonable price he suggested These suggestions were approved.

W4DAN reported that MARCO has 186 active members and 24 additional who are delinquent on their dues. We recruited 18 new members in 2007 and three so far in 2008. The Secretary's report was accepted.

Warren KD4GUA requested input on improving the Newsletter. He would like to receive more technical information for publication. W4DAN questioned whether it would be better to simply post a .pdf copy of the Newsletter on the Web site rather than emailing it to everyone. After some discussion, it was decided to maintain the status quo.

Chip N5RTF reported that he is continuing to provide Internet streaming audio of Grand Rounds, and can accommodate about 20 simultaneous listeners. Several of those in attendance indicated that they had accessed or attempted to access the audio stream. Chip is planning to make hardware changes that will allow users to download archived audio by means of passive ftp.

Jeff K6JW reported that he helped Hemantha Gamage 4S7HG obtain an Icom IC-718 transceiver. Several MARCO members made contributions. Hemantha wrote an article about the Sri Lanka VHF radio project. Jeff made revisions and edits, and inserted favorable publicity about MARCO/ MediShare. This article has been accepted for publication in QST.

Nominations were taken for President Elect. Bernie KD5QHV, Roger W8CRK and Linda KE5BQK were nominated. Bernie and Roger declined the position. Linda was elected unanimously.

The other officers were re-elected to their current positions:
Secretary Danny W4DAN
Treasurer Lou WA1HGE
Newsletter Editor Warren KD4GUA

The current Directors were re-elected with the following changes:

2nd Call Area - Bruce KM2L
3rd Call Area - Keith N3IM
7th Call Area KA7LOT (although he is currently living in Mississippi)
9th Call Area Bill WB9HIR

There was considerable discussion of the MediShare Chairperson position. The Bylaws were reviewed, and it is clear that MediShare functions as an arm of MARCO, with the Chairperson and Advisory Board responsible to the MARCO Board of Directors. It was decided that Smitty W6CS be thanked for his years of exemplary service to MARCO and be awarded the title of MediShare Chairperson Emeritus. Arnold WB6OJB will become MediShare Chairperson. The Board approved these changes.

New Business:

The question of moving the CW portion of the Sunday morning net to a frequency in the CW sub band of 20 meters was brought up. After some discussion, the consensus was to remain on 14.307 MHz.

KD4GUA raised the possibility of starting Grand Rounds one hour later. Propagation is better at that time, and it would make it easier for west coast members to join the discussion. We would have to change frequencies. N5RTF proposed that after the net next week (5/25/08) we QSY to 14.311 MHz and do a roll call. K9CIV seconded. With the additional understanding that any changes will be publicized in the Newsletter and on the listserv, this motion was passed.

N6DMV presented a model of a DSP-23 satellite he had worked on.The model is cleverly constructed from Dr. Pepper cans and is now part of the MARCO display at our booth.

The acquisition of MARCO stickers or stamps for QSL cards was discussed, but without clear resolution.

W4DAN relayed Carl WA3ZZU's request that the annual meeting take place on Saturday so that people could get to the flea market early. It was decided to continue to meet on Friday morning.

For information it was noted that Marc WA3QWA has established an Echolink node named "MARCO."

N5RTF and WB2MXJ were invited to present a brief update on the status of New Orleans. Neighborhoods are very slowly coming back, although the French Quarter and area along the river are in good shape. Health care is struggling and crime is wide spread.

4X1LL reported that amateur radio in Israel is very active. He had attempted to start a European MARCO net last year and sent emails to every known MARCO member in Europe. He received no replies, however.

The meeting was adjourned at 11 AM.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Live , From Dayton

There is a large and active contingent of MARCO members at the Dayton Hamvention this year. Your scribe endured an absolutely terrible drive down from western New York, but made it about an hour behind schedule. The Ohio Department of Transportation has every road in the state under construction, or or so it seems.

We formed a large clot in the bar of the Holiday Inn North. There were drinks, then more drinks, and eventually some food as well.

Present and accounted for were Danny W4DAN and spouse Carolyn, Arnold WB6OJB and spouse Joan, Chip N5RTF, Rich K9CIV and spouse Marcia, Warren KD4GUA, Lou WA1HGE, Linda KE5BQK and Bernie KD5QHV, Keith N3IM, Roger W8CRK, John WD8NMV, Paul N6DMV, Jay AA4FL and spouse, Jeff K6JW, and yours truly, KM2L. If I have omitted anyone, blame the beer.

Tomorrow mornign we will get down to business with the annual meeting, and hten repair to HARA Arena.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for May 18, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Most of our active members will be in Dayton this Sunday. It will be "Open Sunday." "Vox Pox," communication program. Let's have 30 new net controllers on should work out okay.

If possible, we will transmit from Dayton but it is doubtful as most of the visitors will be homeward bound by 10 a.m. eastern.

The program for the following week is pending...any suggestions?

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for May 11, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

One woman woke up with a paintbrush in her hand, having painted her front door in her sleep--she was taking Ambien (or Lunesta) sedative hypnotics. How safe are these non benzodiazaepines? Remember Halcion? I had a patient fall asleep while walking up the gangway to an airliner!

Tune in Sunday, 10 a.m. Eastern time 14.307 and give us your experiences with these drugs. Should be fun.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for May 4, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will discuss a problem that is becoming more and more prevelant--clostridium difficile infections. Which drug is best Flagyl or Vancomycin--or is there something else? Tune in, should be fun.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sri Lanka Update

Hemantha Gamage notified MARCO today that the Sri Lankan government has been so impressed by the MediShare-funded VHF radio project, that they will pay to generalize it throughout the western part of the country. Read on:

Dear Sirs/Madams,
Our provincial council decided to have the VHF system to all the health units and ambulances in the western province , Sri Lanka. They have realised the value of VHF radios esp in disasters. MARCO/Medishare should get the credit for introducing the system and funding for it. Provincial health minister assured that the government would bear the cost for such a system.

They requested me to do a study and a plan for the whole province as soon as posible. Anyway I am supposed to start my MD at the post graduate institue of medicine,University of Colombo. But I promised to stay with them as a volunteer for the system. I enjoy the work.

Thank you.

Hemantha 4S7HG

Saturday, April 26, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for April 27, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

You are on an airplane and a passenger is having chest pain. They call for a doctor...should you respond? Will you respond? Do Good Samaritan laws go into effect when you are passing over different states in rapid succession? What state law would ensue if something went wrong?

This Sunday we will discuss the "Good Samaritan" laws and how they effect you. Should be fun...10 a.m. eastern time...CW on at 9:30 a.m. Eastern.

This grand rounds generated some interesting commentary:

From Bob, K4RLC
I missed the net on Good Samaritan laws, and wonder if you will write it up for the newsletter?

I'm interested not because of air travel, but because both our kids play several high school sports. Fortunately, they haven't been hurt yet, but some of the parents in the stands are pretty out of shape, and I've had to work on one who collapsed during a basketball game. We all tailgate at the football games, and food is copious and tasty, and that situation is ripe for a coronary or diabetic event.

A rare event happened here a few weeks ago at a high school Lacrosse game. A player was hit in the chest by the lacrosse ball, and collapsed from Commotio Cordis. He was fortunate in that a teammate's Dad is Director of Rehab Medicine here, and had read up on this rare condition beforehand. There were a total of 3 physicians and 6 nurses among the spectators, and all helped. But what saved this young man's life was the AED, as he went into V Fib. He had to be shocked three times.

He survived but suffered a hypoxic event, so I'll probably see him. I'm the neuropsychologist for our professional hockey team (Carolina Hurricanes) and see them all after concussions, as well as high school and some college kids with concussive type injuries.

Thanks for your input about out of shape parents in the stands, hi.

From Mary Kaye, AE4BX:
had something to add about being a pseudo-team doctor. When my son was in 8th grade he played football for a small private school, It was his first year playing (over many of Mom's objections). I was the unofficial team doctor by default. My husband who was a first-aid trained pharmacist, sat down on the bench with the players. I had every possible piece of equipment in my station wagon, head board etc etc etc.
The routine was that when anyone was down, my son should step aside and show me his numbers (so I could walk). Well the feared incident happened, and one of our team members went down on the ground after a tackle, held his neck saying "my neck, my neck, my neck!!!!!!" After inspecting my son's number of course, I rushed down on the field, saw that the boy could move his legs, stopped the game and called EMS. Expected chaos. Well as the sirens were heard from afar, the boy's father came down on the field, a rough an tumble redneck also smelling of spirits if I were to render an opinion. He looked at the kid, shouted. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) SCOTT, GET YOUR RED LAZY A-- UP OFFA THE GROUND AND GO PLAY BALL!!!!!!!!!!!"
Well as the EMS guys were running the stretcher on the field, the kid got a red face and said "Uh, OK Dad", and jumped up and ran to the bench". Leaving me there red-faced and about to punch out that redneck myself.
I inquired from an orthopedist later how I could tell - and he said always ask the player to raise his head up himself, and of course don't help him or yank the helmet off etc. If he had either a bad whiplash or a structural damage of any kind to the neck he can't raise his head. I saw this done many times on the field in later football games when I became an armchair expert.
My son's football career was over that year by the way. I said he could grow tall and play basketball or find himself a foster home. He took the advice, grew to 6'3" and played basketball nicely according to plan. That was also the end of my team doctor career.

And Warren KD4GUA's reply
Bob RLC in Raleigh asked about the specifics concerning the Good Samaritan Laws as he missed the lecture. Basically you are covered if you act in good faith, do not perform gross neglect, do not accept money for your deeds and do not leave the patient until someone else can take over with equal or more experience. You do not have to perform a good samaritan act unless you live in Vermont, Minnesota or Louisiana, France or Germany and then it is mandatory to help. Benign neglect is acceptable, i.e., if you do 15 instead of 30 chest thrusts for each mouth to mouth (which is now not required) that is benign neglect because you simply missed the last Red Cross course in CPR. The individual or next of kin must give consent unless the patient is unconscious or not able to give good judgment. In most jurisdictions Good Samaritan laws only protect those that have had basic first aid training and are certified by the AHA, Red Cross, or other heal th organizations. In other jurisdictions, any rescuer is protected from liability, granted he acted rationally. Congress passed a bill about 1994 enabling good samaritan laws in flight regardless of which state the plane is flying over. In international flight the rules go by the carrier's home country.

PS: The requirements as you walk through the hospital and there is a cry for help from someone else's patient--that is another story and perhaps another Sunday lecture.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for April 20, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we are planning on having Phil Wildman the pilot who has flown both the Atlantic and Pacific over 250 times in single engine Piper aircraft (and Cessnas). He will tell us what it is like flying for 17 hours over endless ocean and how he got to know himself better. This is today's Lindbergh. He will discuss the use of radio for navigation and communication. Today, GPS has largely taken the place of radio navigation but we will let him tell his story.

It should be a good one. Let' s hope propagation doesn't let us down this weekend. He assures me he will be on board and is not mike shy.

Sunday, 10 a.m. Eastern 14.307--CW net at 9:30.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Further update from Sri Lanka

Additional news from Hemantha Gamage, 4S7HG:

Dear Sirs,

I wish to foward an outline of our VHF project in Sri Lanka.

The system operates from the District General Hospital Gampaha, which is the largest hospital in the area. There are small peripheral hospitals transfer difficult patents to above hospital. The system operates with a base station installed at the District General Hospital Gampaha and the mobile units are fixed to the ambulances. There are 3 ambulances at above hospital and one ambulances each in the peripheral small hospitals, Biyagama, Dompe, Divulapitiya and Minuwangoda. Therefore 7 mobile units are fixed are given for those ambulances.

The provincial health authority appreciated the contribution of the MARCO in establishing this system. The Ministry and the provincial director will address MARCO in order to thank you all for the good work done.

I presented the radios officially to the secretary of the provincial health ministry on behalf of the MARCO. I will attach few photographs for the time being but the provincial health ministry will contact MARCO with better pictures and hopefully video of the opening day.

I am grateful to all friends at MARCO for extending all the support and courage for me to drive this project towards success.

This morning our hospital system experienced a disaster just one day after launching the system. This was a suicide terrorist attack killing one eminent cabinet minister of the government and around 14 civilians. The incidence took place close to Gampaha draining most of the patient s to District General Hospital Gampaha. Hospital authority informed me that our system played a big role in coordinating ambulances very quickly.

Please give me some time to send the pictures and whole story in sometime as I was very busy with installing the system and other arrangements with the opening ceremony.

Thank you all once again.

Hemantha (4S7HG)

Sunday, April 06, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for April 13, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

We had 30 checkins for April 6's discussion on "Lipitor and Statin Drugs" with a 5/3 propagation rating (pp). This coming Sunday we will investigate medical arbitration...

"By signing this agreement you are waiving your right to a jury trial and you are agreeing to arbitrate all clams arising out of or related to your medical care and treatment." Will your patients sign this?

Those of you who are utilizing arbitration agreements be sure to be on board to narrate your experience in this new and challenging field. Should be fun.

PS: Linda KE5BQK is baking a cake for the Marco Banquet May 17th in Dayton, Ohio. All 16 reserved rooms at the Holiday Day North have been taken according to Danny W4DAN. However, there are still rooms available by phoning 937 278 4871. If you would like to share a room, notify Danny by email

Let's have a party.

MARCO Grand Rounds for April 6, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will again attempt to talk about Lipitor and the statins. Tune in 14.307 10 a.m. eastern, hope there is no "contest time" so soon.

Blog-meister's note: Contests are planned at least a year ahead of time, and their dates/times are not kept a secret. We should never be surprised to find a full-blown contest raging. It makes sense to take off four weekends a year during the running of the SSB CQWW, ARRL Sweepstakes, ARRL DX, and CQWPX contests.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Christine Haycock, WB2YBA, Silent Key

Today's MARCO-list brought the sad news from Fred Simowitz, K0FS, that Chris Haycock, WB2YBA had passed away in January. She was a woman of extraordinary accomplishments and a long-time MARCO dignitary. The following excerpt from the Newark Star-Ledger but scratches the surface of her life story:

Haycock, Dr. Christine HAYCOCK Dr. Christine Haycock, surgeon, professor, 84 Christine E. Haycock, M.D., 84, of Newark, died on Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2008, at the Center for Hospice Care at St. Josephs Hospital in Wayne. The funeral service will be on Friday at 7:30 p.m. at the S.W. Brown & Son Funeral Home, 267 Centre St., Nutley, Friends will be received at the funeral home from 4 to 8 p.m. The interment of her remains will take place at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. Born in Mount Vernon, N.Y., and raised in Richmond, Va., before moving to Nutley, Dr. Haycock went from Nutley High School to the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing. She earned her B.S. degree from the University of Chicago, her medical degree from the State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center (1952), and held a masters degree in political science from Rutgers University. She first served in the Army during World War II in the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps. She extended her military career when she obtained her M.D. and became the first woman intern at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, at which time she became the first woman to transfer directly from the U.S. Army Nurse Corps to the U.S. Army Medical Corps. After serving in the United States and Japan, she reverted to active reserve status, ultimately retiring in 1984 at the rank of colonel. She was also a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and the U.S. Army War College (1977). Dr. Haycock resumed her residency in surgery following her active military service at St. Barnabas Medical Center and a year as a senior resident at St. Johns Episcopal Hospital in Brooklyn, N.Y. She then returned to Newark and opened a private practice in general surgery. She was a diplomat of the American Board of Surgery and a fellow of the American College of Surgeons. She was a leading expert in sports medicine and was a member of the American College of Sports Medicine. She had published widely in this field, particularly concerning women in sport. In 1982, she served as president of the American Medical Womens Association and was a past president of the New Jersey Medical Womens Association. She was long affiliated with the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. In 1968, she joined the faculty of the New Jersey Medical School as associate professor of surgery and director of emergency services at University Hospital. She retired in 1992 as professor emeritus of surgery. Dr. Haycocks wide interests included amateur radio, photography, videography, and breeding and showing miniature schnauzers, Manchester terriers and Italian greyhounds. The Foundation for the History of Women in Medicine and The College of Physicians of Philadelphia recently presented the fifth annual Alma Dea Morani Renaissance Woman award to Dr. Haycock on Oct. 28, 2004. In their citation it was noted that, Dr. Haycock excelled as a physician, teacher and mentor to other women who sought to become physicians. She was best known for her influence on sports medicine for women, her work on the eradication of uterine cancer and her leadership in the establishment of the trauma center at University Hospital in Newark, as well as her post as commander of a trauma unit during her service in the Army Medical Corps. In 2006, she was inducted into the Nutley Hall of Fame.

RIP and 73.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sri Lanka Radio Project

MediShare International has supported MARCO Member Hemantha Gamage, 4S7HG in his efforts to equip his hospital with a VHF mobile communications system to facilitate communication with its ambulances. In an email sent today, Hemantha announced the near-completion of this project. Congratulations!

Dear Sirs,
I am pleased to inform you that we have started installing radio equipments of our VHF system in Sri Lanka. This week we installed the base station at the District General Hospital Gampaha.
The base station was fixed in the room reserved for the Telephone operators in the hospital. The antenna was fixed on the roof top of the 7 story building. The cable is 100m long approximately. This happened because we planned for a repeater but we had to give up that idea due to licensing problems. The radio is transmitting 25w but we checked the effective power reaching the antenna was only 2.5w. However we could contact Colombo without much problem yesterday.

We have to do more fine tuning in order to get more effective radiation.

We have also started installing mobile units and would complete them by next Tuesday.
At the same time we happened to pay approximately Rs. 15000/= per radio as the annual frequency charge. But we are negotiating with the central government and telecom authorities with the help of local government health minister to exempt the charges. I wish it would work. I am very happy that most of our senior officers and the (Local Government) health minister are enthusiastic about this new development. Also they are very happy to see ambulances of 4 small peripheral hospitals getting reliable mode of communication with our project.

We have fixed a date for a small opening ceremony for the new development, tentatively fixed 5th of april 2008. I would appreciate if you could send a message (or any suggestion) for the opening ceremony. I apologize that I could not send you some pictures of the work done because

I was busy with my family commitments and my job.
Anyway I will send all the photos and details of the project as soon as I completed the work (opening ceremony).

However I feel I have driven our work to towards the "goal" successfully. Also I feel the time, money and effort that I spent with your lavish contribution has become a fruitful effort.
My director and the minister would contact you after completion of the project for thanking the friends at MARCO.

Thank you.
Hemantha Gamage 4S7HG.

MARCO Grand Rounds for March 30, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will decide truth from fantasy--research states "Except among high-risk patients, the benefits of statins such as Lipitor are overstated." The false advertising states that Lipitor reduces the risk of heart attack by 30%. Where did they get this 30%? The study found for each 100 patients taking Lipitor for 3.5 years they averaged two heart attacks per hundred whereas those not on Lipitor had three heart attacks per hundred--a reduction of 30%!!! A bunch of baloney--by the way to they still sell baloney? I'm a stockholder in Pfizer so I promise to take it easy.

Warren KD4gua PS: Our pilot last week was a no-show--I think he is mike shy.
Blog-meister's note: This weekend is the CQ WPX phone contest, so it may be tough sledding. Give it a try regardless.

Friday, March 21, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for March 23, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Propagation--good propagation seems to have staggered through the Daylight Time change as we had 34 check-ins last Sunday during our discussion of "Hospitalists."

This Sunday we hope to have on board Phil Waldman, the ferry pilot who has flown the Atlantic and Pacific in small planes over 250 times...he will discuss the fun involved in being over the vast oceans all alone with yourself and how you get to know yourself better.

Tune in should be fun. If you have any questions for Phil ASK, he is easy to talk to--especially using radio location finding prior to GPS.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for March 16, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Last Sunday with the advent of Daylight Savings Time and the delay in transition of the Gray Line, propagation was impossible. We had a long skip but no short skips. Fortunately, Phil Waldman, Ferry Pilot who was to be our guest was unable to show because of a weather hold up in the Pacific on a small plane flying to Japan. I will have breakfast with him Saturday morning and will suggest we further postpone his talk because of the bad change in propagation. Instead, we will talk about "Hospitalists." Do you love em or envy them, or cuss 'em? Now, everyone say "Bananas." (You're a fine bunch!)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for March 9, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Sunday, MARCO's host will be Phil Weldman, President and owner of "Globe Aero", a ferrying service for small airplanes. Phil has made over 250 ocean crossings to Europe and Australia in single engine Cessnas and Piper aircraft. He will tell you how he utilizes his radios and the changes that GPS has brought. If you didn't have the opportunity to meet Charles Lindbergh, here is your chance to meet the 21st century version.

Three weeks ago, I drove to Lakeland, Florida to tour Phil's hangar which is geared to take in a brand new airplane on one end, fit it with auxiliary tanks, and have it exit refitted on the other side. On the tarmac was a brand new Piper two place single engine landplane with conventional landing gear destined to be flown to Berlin, Germany. A car drove up and out popped a retired TWA captain who was to fly the little plane over. We chatted and parted. One week later I learned the little plane took on ice 400 miles out of Iceland, became a flying ice brick, lost its lift and the pilot informed Iceland center--"I'm going down." Icing levels were at sea level. The pilot and plane were not recovered. This Sunday's Grand Rounds will be dedicated to that pilot, his name? Captain Greg Frey, TWA retired.

Tune in should be educational...write down your questions and Phil will try to answer them.

Friday, February 29, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for March 2, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will discuss the "Hospitalist." One of the fastest growing medical specialties is a field that barely existed a decade ago: Hospital Medicine. Today, about half of all hospitals now use hospitalists in some capacity.

We will discuss your experience dealing with this touchy subject and what your feelings are. Why not drop the office practice and do this work? Am I qualified? Tune in, should be educational.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for February 10, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will discuss: 'WHAT WILL YOUR PATIENTS THINK About Computers in the Exam Room?"

This will be a discussion rather than a lecture so be willing to participate and express your opinion. Many patients feel the computer is interfering with the doctor-patient relationship....instead of eye to eye it is eye to do you feel about this, are you spending more time talking to the computer than to the patient?

OPEN FORUM, Join in, Sunday, 10 a.m. Eastern 14.307....should be fun...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for January 27, 2008

This Sunday on the Bob Currier Marco Grand Rounds we will discuss "THE SCIENCE OF ROMANCE." Your textbook and homework assignment is to read the Jan. 28, 2008 edition of TIME magazine.

For example, "women who live communally tend to synchronize their menstrual cycles. In nature this is a good idea; it is not in the community's interest for one ovulating female to monopolize the reproductive attention of too many males. Better to have all the females become fertile at once and allow the fittest potential mates to compete with one another for them." Males can sense by smell when a female is ovulating! (if he doesn't have a cold!).

Tune in, should be fun--BUT DO YOUR HOMEWORK!

"Aether" will be in the mail tomorrow (Jan 23) with the CME certificates if you qualify.
Unfortunately four of our usual gang haven't paid their dues and your mailing labels did not arrive in Tampa Bay. If your dues are behind (and mine are also!) get on the ball, not behind soon as the membership is updated you will receive CME certificate. Only fair.

Do your homework--good topic, good resource and enticing, enticing. Warren kd4gua.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for January 20, 2008

This Sunday we will continue the discussion on "When can I go home after a radionuclide test?" Tune in 14.307 Sunday at 10 a.m. Eastern....get your reservations into Dayton...details coming up in next Aether.

-Warren KD4gua.

Friday, January 11, 2008

MARCO Grand Rounds for January 13, 2008

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will have a double feature.

Feature #1. Is it safe to send patients home after radiation therapy? (Will they irradiate their loved ones?)

#2. A new study in patients over 80 with hi bp who had their bp lowered to the conventional target range had lower survival rates than those with blood pressures at higher levels. What is your input? Should be fun....tune in 14.307 10 a.m. Eastern time.

CW net at 9:30 Eastern time.