Wednesday, October 26, 2005

MARCO Grand Rounds for October 23, 2005

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Last week we disposed of the flu for the year (?) This week we anticipate a contest week and we will try to discuss "GAS." If unable we will have VOX POX, voice of the people--each one asking a question--remember there are no dumb questions, only dumb answers.

Hurricane Wilma gave the trees a hair cut in the Tampa Bay area with winds of about 45 mph but it came and went so fast it didn't have time to do much damage locally. Now, however, there are 3 more coming along--Florida is becoming a bowling alley for hurricanes, 8 in the past 15 months!

At least they blow away the pollution like a big broom and leave the air brisk and clean. We need more WINDMILLS so we can cut down on electric bills to pay our rising house insurance.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

MARCO Grand Rounds for October 16, 2005

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Last week we discussed "Flu" and since we didn't have time to finish we will continue this Sunday. Harry, WB9EDP, the "correctional medicine man," invited all members to join him in a tour of the largest prison in the U.S. Prisons are a good target for influenza.

Since the news about Avian Flu is oncoming, keep us informed of any information you may have received or any cases in your locale.

The hurricane boys, Chip, N5RTF, John WB5BHB and John AA5KV were all on board last Sunday as was Ed W4UVS from Oak Ridge, TN.

The 40 meter 7.225+ MediShare net on Monday registered 8 checkins--one pre-dental girl student from Stony Brook, N.Y. wanted to spend some academic time overseas and Bill N5QF was able to connect her to Sri Lanka.

Hurricane coming, may not be on the air this Sunday--more later. Warren KD4gua.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

MARCO Grand Rounds for October 9, 2005

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Last week we finished an update on blood transfusions.

This week we will discuss "Influenza." Most people don't realize but all flu is transmitted from birds, namely ducks and geese +.

The MediShare net picked up steam Monday night on 7.227 with about 5-6 participants. If you tune in and the freq is in use, go generals can't go down.

Things seem to be settling down (?), propagation picking up, weather improving and Danny Center's leg getting better. Chip had the tree removed from his bedroom--any more GOOD news?

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Gulf Coast Members Back in Action

Both Chip Keister, N5RTF, and John McCann, WB5BHB checked into MARCO Grand Rounds on October 2. It was wonderful to hear them both.

Chip had to leave to supervise tree removal at his house. He reports that there were several trees down and a 500-lb limb hanging precariously over the driveway. The roof is missing some tiles also, but overall the house is not in bad shape.

The neighborhood has gas and electricity, while telephone and Internet service has not yet been restored. The water in the taps is not considered to be potable. (Did you ever witness anyone in New Orleans drink water? I can't recall doing so...)


MARCO Grand Rounds for October 2, 2005

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Last week we discussed "HOW SAFE IS THE BLOOD SUPPLY?" The topic will be continued this Sunday 14.308 at 10 a.m Eastern as we ran out of time. We hope to discuss PROCRIT as a substitute for packed cells.

As of Sunday (October 2) we have had 1,164 check ins for 2005. We had 1155 in 2004, 1119 in 2003 and 1006 in 2002-that is at this time in each year. TX to the computer for keeping these figures.

If you have a problem that needs discussion don't be afraid to speak up--we all learn that way. If you would like to try your turn as net controller do likewise.

When I attended a FAA Flight Surgeons school we had to put in writing how to put on an overcoat. If you think that is easy TRY IT. We did it and you can do things you didn't know you could. So, don't be afraid to speak up, that's what the mike is for. We really need more hecklers in the audience. Be a heckler Sunday--should be fun.