Friday, September 23, 2005

MARCO Grand Rounds for September 18, 2005

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Last Sunday we got half-way through the maze of scans--"Electron Beam Tomography--Godsend or Scam?" This is the ultrafast spiral job that tells if you have calcium in your coronaries. We still have to discuss the newest, the Siemens Somatom Sensation 64, which is able to give a relatively clear picture of the coronaries without invasion--only the big boys, Hopkins, Mayo, Mass General, Cleveland Clinic and the UCLA Medical center have them right now.

All of our members seem to have come through Katrina OK--let's hope its dittos with Rita---Here are the Hurricane Emergency Frequencies you should monitor: all 20 meters: 14.265 Salvation Army; 14.300 Maritime Mobile Service; 143.03 International Asst. & traffic; 14.325 Hurricane Watch. On 40 meters: 7.240 Red Cross; 7.248 Texas Races; 7.265 Salvation Army, 7.285 Louisiana ARES Emergency day. Do your duty and pass on any traffic.

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