Monday, February 15, 2016

MARCO Grand Rounds for February 21, 2016

From Warren KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will discuss ‘SUGAR SUBSTITUTES.”  Do artificial sweeteners actually produce “artificial diabetes?”  What is artificial chocolate?  Which is the safest?  Tune in, should be fun…

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

MARCO Grand Rounds for February 14, 2016

From Warren KD4GUA:

THIS SUNDAY, by demand, we will continue the discussion on SUPPLEMENTS.  We took  a vote and found most of you are taking at least one supplement...on Sunday we will ask you to defend your actions--ALSO, the vote on "should doctors wear mustaches and beards" is still they transfer germs similar to ties and stethoscopes?  So far, the women indicate they prefer clean shaven physicians..send your comments to, get busy and sit down and be heard!

Thursday, February 04, 2016

MARCO Grand Rounds for February 7, 2016

From Warren KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will discuss something that needs to be discussed, DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS….55% of the population takes them and they don’t usually tell their doctors.  (I had a 27 year old male built like a bull in congestive heart failure—the supplements made his heart muscle hypertrophy to the point there was no cavity!)  Tune in and give your experiences with your “informed” clientele.