Saturday, December 31, 2011

MARCO Grand Rounds for January 1, 2012

From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday, we will discuss the "hangover effect" on the G.I. tract.  That is the way food & alcohol is digested, all the enzymes starting with Ptylin in the saliva.  If we have time, we will indulge in gastro-esophageal diseases, burp....pardon me.  Since football doesn't start until later in the day we may have a few stations available for check-ins.   Remember over the holidays don't drink and drive, driving will spill your drinks. 
     (And by the way, on  a recent poll, 34% of holiday accidents are alcohol related.  That means, 66% of the accidents are caused by non-drinkers--so be wary of the sober drivers.)  burp.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

NO Grand Rounds on Sunday, December 25, 2011

From Warren, KD4GUA:
There will be no net this Sunday as most of our members will be busy with family and religious services.  We will resume Jan. 1, 2012.  
Your CME certificate will be mailed with the February edition of Aether.  All those with over 5 hours CME will receive a certificate providing your dues are current. 
If you have any hot topics, submit.  In the meantime, eat cautiously because too much too fast gives you rapid transit time and GAS! !
 Keep the blue side up and Happy Holidays to all Marco hams.  Let's have another great year.   More later.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

MARCO Grand Rounds for December 18, 2011

This Sunday we will discuss "GAS."    We will revue the passage of food and water, enzymes secreted, time en route etc.  We reported the estimated flatulence/day at 14 last Sunday but more recent studies show it averages about 17-21 X/daily and as high as 141 X in the elderly.  Most swallowed air is belched when standing and pushed into the duodenum when lying down, thus the need to burp babies vertically.   Public gas passage in ancient Rome resulted in imprisonment whereas Benj. Franklin invented a "flatulence sweetener" which was never patented.  What causes diverticulosis?  Tune in should be fun............
   Warren KD4gua  Note:  This subject was chosen because no other subject was suggested.  Don't let this happen too often or ................

Monday, December 05, 2011

MARCO Grand Rounds for December 11, 2011

From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will discuss an important subject--antibiotic prophylaxis.  When should it be given.  Should bi-pass patients who have dental work have antibiotics?  What about joint replacement patients?  Yes, No?  Indications have changed--tune in and keep up to date.  
We didn't break the 53 station check-in record set two weeks ago, but we did have 45 stations on board the past Sunday--and the after hours rag chew was great.  It is not who is right it is what is right--