Friday, April 19, 2013

MARCO Grand Rounds for April 21, 2013

From Warren KD4GUA:
 This Sunday we will be on 14.344 MHz at 11 am Eastern.  The subject will be "PREPARING FOR THE 21ST CENTURY PATIENTS."  (For details see JAMA April 10, 2013, page 1471, an article by the Assoc. Senior Editor.)  
 The following Sunday there will be NO NET as we will be meeting in Myrtle Beach, FL for the Annual MARCO meeting.  Members of the Board of Directors are mandated to be on board unless they are on duty or have adequate excuses.  All members of MARCO or guests are welcome.  Our President Mary Farvaro is counting on your presence if able.
 I will be driving up since I found the air fare for two was over $1,200 and it  is only about 600 miles and I am a profound cheapskate when it comes to being ripped off!!!!  (If  I hadn't landed at their airstrip before in my little plane I would say it is only 500' long.) 
 The town is cute, on the ocean, with a stiff breeze--sometimes a REAL stiff breeze!!!  April 25-28th at the Breakers, phone 843 444 4444, reduced rate for Marco members.
   So far the Terrorist hasn't found us, let's hope it stays that way!  (Maybe he will show up at Myrtle Beach and let the air out of all of our tires!)

Monday, April 08, 2013

MARCO Grand Rounds for April 14, 2013

From Warren KD4GUA:

I would like to congratulate the 34 stations that were able to make the transition to the new frequency of 14.344 the past Sunday....we had to QSY to 14.341 because of another station's QRM, but things worked out much better than anticipated.  
The "thing" (terrorist) was occupying our normal frequency so we made the switch--let's hope he doesn't follow us.  I note Wayne K1WDR has idented the "thing" (note small letters) with a report dated back 13 years ago--proof psychopaths (or sociopaths) don't change.  We have known for about 3 months his identity and his past record and last week I sent my 4th, this one registered, letter to the FCC in Gettysburg along with a copy to my Congressman--I did note there was a station that identified itself as a "monitor."  Whether the FCC is a paper tiger we will soon find out.
This Sunday we will discuss "Inoculations needed for travel," as requested, since world-wide traveling will soon increase with the better weather in the N. Hemisphere.  DO NOT mention 14.344 if you should tune into 14.307 as the jerk will follow us!!!!
We haven't heard from Harry WB9EDP, Ellen, KC6ARN, Linda KE5BQK, and Bernie KD5QHV lately, hope they are all okay.  Good to have Bruce KM2L back in harness!