-Got back last nite after 17 days deployed with American Red Cross Disaster Mental
Health Team.
-My time was spent all along the Mississippi coast, from east Biloxi to the wild
west of Pearlington, on the Louisiana border, which was really "ground zero" for
Katrina. Worked in a Neighborhood Care Team, visiting with people right in the worst
of the disaster, who were trying to rebuild their lives, among the rubble. We provided
"psychological first aide" while giving out cold Gatorade, cleaning supplies,
MREs, baby food, Huggies, Cliff bars, and anything else I had packed in the F-350
van at the warehouse. Giving some people a cold Gatorade, while they were without
electricity or potable water, you'd think we gave them a millon dollars.
-It was an incredible and a humbling experience.
-I was so impressed by the resilience of the human spirit of those who lost their
homes, cars, jobs, possessions, but who will just start again to rebuild their lives.
This experience has changed my understanding of PTSD.
-One of the best experiences was the two days I spent in a Buddhist temple in the
Little Saigon section of East Biloxi, MS. It had been flooded about 8 to 10 feet.
40 Vietnamese Buddhists were in the back room, and had to pull down the ceiling
tiles to crawl in the attic to survive. I think of all the folks I saw (poor or
rich, whatever race or ethnicity) the Buddhists had the best coping skills for such
a tragedy.
-I also got to visit, interview and photograph hams in the disaster areas (behind
regular Army and National Guard checkpoints). I'm trying to write something for
QST on this. The most incredible one was ED, W4AGA, who set up a full HF and VHF
station in "Yankee Stadium" Compassion Central in Biloxi. ED only has
one leg!
-For those suited to this type of work, I would recommend it. However, it is not
for everyone, as we had a large and unfortunate bail out rate. There are many skills
not related to mental health needed, but the most needed is a good sense of humor
(psychologically) and military or backpacking experience (to stand harsh physical
-Alanna has made me take lots of showers, although I still don't feel clean yet.
Need to hit the sauna at the Y for a few days. And eat lots of bran (MREs are carb-o-licious).
-Thanks to all for your kinds thoughts, prayers and help with the family while I
was gone. Need to go to my beach house to check for roof damage from Ophelia.
Neighbor walked the lot and said all was ok, but he doesn't have a key (yet). Any
excuse to go to the beach is a good one.
-Thanks again.
Bob Conder K4RLC
Raleigh, NC
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Upcoing MARCO Grand Rounds, Oncober 2, 2005
From Warren, KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will discuss something that pertains to all of us at one time or another, "How Safe is Our Blood Supply?'
There are a lot of things going on out there, such as the new Nucleic Acid test for HIV which lowers the window to only 11 days and costs only $5. What about Procrit taking the place of blood? Is giving your own blood prior to surgery still in vogue? What tests are run on blood? Why is there a shortage of blood?
Tune in 14.308 Sunday morning, 10 a.m. Eastern Time.
This Sunday we will discuss something that pertains to all of us at one time or another, "How Safe is Our Blood Supply?'
There are a lot of things going on out there, such as the new Nucleic Acid test for HIV which lowers the window to only 11 days and costs only $5. What about Procrit taking the place of blood? Is giving your own blood prior to surgery still in vogue? What tests are run on blood? Why is there a shortage of blood?
Tune in 14.308 Sunday morning, 10 a.m. Eastern Time.
Friday, September 23, 2005
MARCO Grand Rounds for September 18, 2005
From Warren, KD4GUA:
Last Sunday we got half-way through the maze of scans--"Electron Beam Tomography--Godsend or Scam?" This is the ultrafast spiral job that tells if you have calcium in your coronaries. We still have to discuss the newest, the Siemens Somatom Sensation 64, which is able to give a relatively clear picture of the coronaries without invasion--only the big boys, Hopkins, Mayo, Mass General, Cleveland Clinic and the UCLA Medical center have them right now.
Last Sunday we got half-way through the maze of scans--"Electron Beam Tomography--Godsend or Scam?" This is the ultrafast spiral job that tells if you have calcium in your coronaries. We still have to discuss the newest, the Siemens Somatom Sensation 64, which is able to give a relatively clear picture of the coronaries without invasion--only the big boys, Hopkins, Mayo, Mass General, Cleveland Clinic and the UCLA Medical center have them right now.
All of our members seem to have come through Katrina OK--let's hope its dittos with Rita---Here are the Hurricane Emergency Frequencies you should monitor: all 20 meters: 14.265 Salvation Army; 14.300 Maritime Mobile Service; 143.03 International Asst. & traffic; 14.325 Hurricane Watch. On 40 meters: 7.240 Red Cross; 7.248 Texas Races; 7.265 Salvation Army, 7.285 Louisiana ARES Emergency day. Do your duty and pass on any traffic.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Update from New Orleans, 9/17/05
Hi again --
I miss hearing you guys on Sunday mornings. When this is all over I am going to talk to the hospital director at Ochsner about a ham radio station for the institution. They had almost zero communications for several days after the hurricane.
New Orleans is a strange place. The skyline at night is mostly black -- I saw stars for the first time since I moved here. The smell is not nice. Our mayor did point out that New Orleans is now a crime-free and drug-free city. This presents a unique opportunity to keep it that way.
By the way, he is a wonderful mayor and a true hero. Those school buses that they keep showing on national TV belong to the state and their drivers are state employees.
Terry and I plus some flooded friends will be allowed to move back into our house on Wednesday. Utilities are promised to be on. There will be plenty of work to do for the next several weeks. Thanks again for your prayers. I promise we will have another MARCO meeting in New Orleans one day!
Chip, N5RTF
Friday, September 16, 2005
Dr. John McCann, WB5BHB Safe and Sound!
I received the following message from Marita Bakay, a friend of WB5BHB's from their days together at Baylor:
Dear Bruce,
Just got word from John's sister that they're OK. Just some property damage. Unfortunately, his in-laws lost everything, but they're OK, too. I am so very grateful. Thanks for being a strong arm during this tough time.
Best regards,
Good news, indeed!
Dear Bruce,
Just got word from John's sister that they're OK. Just some property damage. Unfortunately, his in-laws lost everything, but they're OK, too. I am so very grateful. Thanks for being a strong arm during this tough time.
Best regards,
Good news, indeed!
MARCO Grand Rounds for September 11, 2005
From Warren, KD4GUA:
Last Sunday we were rained out by poor propagation..we talked about Katrina and Smitty was good enough to send a list of the emergency frequencies which will be posted in the next NL.
This Sunday we will talk about Ultra fast spiral CT--the one you heard so much about starting in 1999 that could pick up the calcium deposits in the coronary arteries and predict (?) one's possible upcoming heart attack. Only cost $500 cash and could save your life (?). Now Siemens has a new 64 slice unit that is more accurate--it was depicted in TIME magazine of Sept. 5, 2005. Keep on the cutting edge--tune in Sunday 14.308, 10 a.m EDT.
Chip our Prez is OK in New Orleans sleeping in his office.
Last Sunday we were rained out by poor propagation..we talked about Katrina and Smitty was good enough to send a list of the emergency frequencies which will be posted in the next NL.
This Sunday we will talk about Ultra fast spiral CT--the one you heard so much about starting in 1999 that could pick up the calcium deposits in the coronary arteries and predict (?) one's possible upcoming heart attack. Only cost $500 cash and could save your life (?). Now Siemens has a new 64 slice unit that is more accurate--it was depicted in TIME magazine of Sept. 5, 2005. Keep on the cutting edge--tune in Sunday 14.308, 10 a.m EDT.
Chip our Prez is OK in New Orleans sleeping in his office.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
N5RTF now at work in New Orleans.
We stayed with Terry's parents for 2 weeks. On Sunday, Terry went to Texas with the dog and tortoises, and I returned to work at Ochsner Clinic Foundation (1 of only 3 functioning hospitals in southeast Louisiana). I sleep in my office, and the hospital is patrolled by National Guardsmen with M16's. Food is regular, but interesting.
Work so far has consisted of supervising a small inpatient psychiatric unit and refilling meds and talking with patients over the phone. I cover the ER for psych every other night. Tomorrow we try to open a small outpatient clinic.
I did get to check the house -- much tree damage, and many roof slates are missing. A tree is leaning on the back of the house (see photos). Electricity is off, but water and sewerage are still in operation. My antenna pole and inverted vee are still up also!
An announcement was made that we may be allowed to return to undamaged areas of the city on Monday. We may spend a few days in a friend's condo in the French Quarter if power is not restored to the house. With a job and places to live, Terry and I are much better off than many of our friends and neighbors. We are also very grateful for the concern of MARCO members and MediShare's contributions to the relief effort.
Chip and Terry.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
MARCO Grand Rounds for September 11, 2005
From Warren, KD4GUA:
This Sunday on Grand Rounds we will discus a very good concise article that appeared in the Sept. 5th edition of TIME magazine titled "HOW TO STOP A HEART ATTACK BEFORE IT HAPPENS." It is about the new 64 slice CT scan of the heart and its capabilities. If you have had any experience with this new modality please be on board.
NEWS (North, East, West,South)...President Chip is safe outside of New Orleans. Al Breland KA7LOT, expects to be back on the air soon as he winds up duty in AZ. Paul N6DMV is back in Hungary for a Ham meeting. Danny W4DAN is now 1 month post Fx left leg and reports progress.
I was in Washington DC last Sunday and was unable to get on the air. Hope you fellows kept the log of checkins. Will post the standings next week as the report filters in.
If you have any extra change, dig in and send it to Bill for MediShare relief in N.O. The news media is giving HAMS some credit but the Wall St. Journal said there were 270,000 hams in the US....it actually is around 650,000. They also called our media "antiquated but still good." Bull bull bull, Talk to you fellows Sunday.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
More Information on Hurricane Katrina Relief
MediShare International Chairman Bill Stenberg, N5QF is back from Alaska, and sends the following information:
Dear All,
Again we are facing great disasters, and we are all being asked to help the less fortunate in their time of need. We will be making a group contribution on behalf of MARCO to Direct Relief International for the aid of the victims of the Gulf Coast disaster. If you would like to make a contribution, send it to
MediShare International
c/o William Stenberg/ N5QF
611 West Downing Street
Tahlequah, OK 74464
Please make checks out to: "Ludin Memorial Fund" and make a note directing it to the Gulf Coast disaster. DRI has a very good history of making sure our donations do the most good in helping those in need. We have partnered with them in the past, i.e., last years Tsunami project, and they were very grateful for our support, as well as very responsible with the funds. Please help if you can.
Here in Northeast Oklahoma we are currently receiving about 3000 evacuees into the Camp Gruber facility. Our hospital (Hastings Indian Medical Center) is providing physicians and nurses, and we are also providing ham radio support around the clock. We have had a good response from local hams to work in 12 hour shifts (I am scheduled for Saturday from 7pm to 7am). We are hoping that life can get back to normal for these people, but we realize that it will take a long time.
73 from N5QF,
William Stenberg, DDS, MPH
Director, MediShare International
Friday, September 02, 2005
Chip and Terry Keister Alive and Well!
I received this email from Chip, N5RTF on September 2.
Hi Bruce.
Terry and I decided to leave New Orleans when Katrina reached Cat 5. We finally got out of the city about 5:30 p.m. Sunday with all of our pets but very few belongings. We are living with Terry's parents for a while in Jackson, MS.
We have been in touch with friends who stayed behind. Their house flooded, so they moved to ours which is above sea level. The house itself sustained roof damage and caught a falling tree limb in the back. All utilities were turned off and our friends left today. Crime has been really bad. We hope the army will make a difference.
I brought one HF radio and have a dipole in a tree to listen to the New Orleans radio station. I forgot to bring an antenna tuner, so I can't transmit. I will listen to the net Sunday. Feel fee to post this on the Email reflector. I will write in again later.
Chip & Terry Keister
Hi Bruce.
Terry and I decided to leave New Orleans when Katrina reached Cat 5. We finally got out of the city about 5:30 p.m. Sunday with all of our pets but very few belongings. We are living with Terry's parents for a while in Jackson, MS.
We have been in touch with friends who stayed behind. Their house flooded, so they moved to ours which is above sea level. The house itself sustained roof damage and caught a falling tree limb in the back. All utilities were turned off and our friends left today. Crime has been really bad. We hope the army will make a difference.
I brought one HF radio and have a dipole in a tree to listen to the New Orleans radio station. I forgot to bring an antenna tuner, so I can't transmit. I will listen to the net Sunday. Feel fee to post this on the Email reflector. I will write in again later.
Chip & Terry Keister
Thursday, September 01, 2005
MediShare Solicits Donations for Hurricane Relief
As MARCO's Secretary Robin Staebler, WF1R, most aptly stated, "This is America's Tsunami."
MediShare is accepting donations for the relief of Hurricane Katrina's victims. Although details are still being worked out, we will partner with one or more experienced relief agencies.
You may send your contributions to
Robin Staebler, MD
Secretary, Medical Amateur Radio Council
144 Head of the Tide Road
Belfast, ME 04915
Louis Wiederhold, MD
Treasurer, Medical Amateur Radio Council
219 Main St P O Box 300
Francestown, NH 03043
William Stenberg, DDS
Chairman, MediShare International
611 W. Downing
Tahlequah, OK 74464
Please indicate that your contribution is for Hurricane Katrina support.
MediShare is accepting donations for the relief of Hurricane Katrina's victims. Although details are still being worked out, we will partner with one or more experienced relief agencies.
You may send your contributions to
Robin Staebler, MD
Secretary, Medical Amateur Radio Council
144 Head of the Tide Road
Belfast, ME 04915
Louis Wiederhold, MD
Treasurer, Medical Amateur Radio Council
219 Main St P O Box 300
Francestown, NH 03043
William Stenberg, DDS
Chairman, MediShare International
611 W. Downing
Tahlequah, OK 74464
Please indicate that your contribution is for Hurricane Katrina support.
Awaiting Word From MARCO President, N5RTF
Marco's President Chip, N5RTF resides in New Orleans.
We last spoke with him on Sunday, August 28 as hurricane Katrina bore down on the city. At that time, he and his wife Terry were preparing to evacuate.
We all hope and pray for their safety.
We last spoke with him on Sunday, August 28 as hurricane Katrina bore down on the city. At that time, he and his wife Terry were preparing to evacuate.
We all hope and pray for their safety.
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