Saturday, December 31, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for January 1, 2012
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
NO Grand Rounds on Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for December 18, 2011
This Sunday we will discuss "GAS." We will revue the passage of food and water, enzymes secreted, time en route etc. We reported the estimated flatulence/day at 14 last Sunday but more recent studies show it averages about 17-21 X/daily and as high as 141 X in the elderly. Most swallowed air is belched when standing and pushed into the duodenum when lying down, thus the need to burp babies vertically. Public gas passage in ancient Rome resulted in imprisonment whereas Benj. Franklin invented a "flatulence sweetener" which was never patented. What causes diverticulosis? Tune in should be fun............
Warren KD4gua Note: This subject was chosen because no other subject was suggested. Don't let this happen too often or ................
Monday, December 05, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for December 11, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for December 4, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for November 27, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds fro November 20, 2011
This Sunday is scheduled for a "CONTEST." However, we will attempt to have a discussion on VOX POX, not chicken pox, i.e., a variety of today's problems in medicine and radio. If you have an interesting subject you would like discussed please advise.
Otherwise the prime target will be "Acute Stroke Therapy at the Crossroads." (JAMA Nov. 9, 2011 page 2026).
Monday, November 07, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for November 13, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for October 22, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for October 16, 2011
This Sunday we will discuss the STATIN DRUGS. We will show how deceptive statistical drug advertising fools most people--also, a general discussion is warranted for the best-ever selling drug--Lipitor--should it be sold over-the-counter? Tune in should be fun.
Friday, October 07, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for October 9, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for September 25, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for September 18, 2011
Monday, September 05, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for September 11, 2011
This Sunday we will continue the discussion of Omega-3, the "modern aspirin."
Danny W4DAN , Marco Secretary, told us last Sunday, there has been an upsurge in dues payments since he asked people to read their mailing labels.
Lou, our Treasurer, hasn't been heard from and there are rumors---he lost his boat back to the mainland--he spends the summer on a one acre island off the coast of Maine--also a possibility he got a little rain.
Our Prez apparently was on a cruise last Sunday--Labor Day weekend--but we did manage to get 34 check-ins.
Q. What State has the most MARCO members?
Friday, September 02, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for September 4, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Alfred was a founding member of MARCO and long-time Treasurer of the organization, as well as an enthusiastic amateur radio operator, traveler and accomplished plastic surgeon.
Our condolences to his family and friends.
MARCO Grand Rounds for August 28, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for August 21, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for August 14, 2011
Thursday, August 04, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for August 7, 2011
Providing the big wind doesn't hit Florida Sunday--we will discuss an update on "Carcinoid" by request. We previously discussed this on Feb. 16, 1997 and on Sept. 17, 2006. This unusual tumor resembles an adenocarcinoma but follows a more indolent (less active) course. It is a strange one and we don't have all the answers yet. Tune in, should be fun. |
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for July 31, 2011
This Sunday, by request, we will discuss "Snake Bite. " Hope everyone has received their "Aether" ---- by now. The jokes are about a 7+ this month on page 7. Need some radio articles--simple stuff without space-consuming diagrams. Had 37 stations check in Sunday on Grand Rounds, not bad for summer time. I have been trying to contact some of you for your opinions while on the air but apparently propagation faded out. Don't leave me in the lurch! More later.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
MARCO Grand Round for July 24, 2011
This Sunday we will discuss "TENS Units" as by request. TENS is the abbreviation for "Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation" used to relieve pain. Does it work? Tune in and give your opinion.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for July 17, 2011
Tune in Sunday 11 am. 14.307--fun time.
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for July 10, 2011
This Sunday, 11 a.m. 14.307, we will discuss "PAIN." If you have the opportunity read Melinda Beck's article in the July 5th edition of the Wall St. Journal titled,"Diagnosing a Patient as a Faker."
Monday, June 27, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for July 3, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
NO MARCO Grand Rounds on June 26,2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
He's Back!! - MARCO Grand Rounds for June 19, 2011
He writes:
Friday, June 10, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for June 12, 2011
Have just tried going through proposed lecture for Sunday and find I still don't have enough steam. I will however, check-in. Thus, asking Bruce to continue his excellent lectures. I am making progress but it is painfully slow and boring. Keep the blue side up. More laterWarren KD4Gua
The topic will have nothing to do with what was suggested last week. We will finish discussing jet lag for a few minutes, then ask "Can your cell phone give you cancer?" This is a timely subject given recent stories in the press.
I don't think that I will have to time to prepare a new talk for the following week, as I just had some high-priority consulting work come in. Perhaps someone else can step forward.
Bruce KM2L
Friday, June 03, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for June 5, 2011
If I can get up for it, we will discuss Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders. Grab an extra cup of coffee and tune to 14.307 MHZ at 11 AM Eastern time, 1500 UTC.
MARCO Grand Rounds for May 29, 2011
My list of check-ins is:
Please send additions or corrections.
Tune in next week at 11:00 EDT on 14.307 MHz. The topic... to be announced. I can promise internal medicine unless someone else has a suggestion.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
MARCO at the Dayton Hamvention
From Chip Keister, N5RTF:
It was lonely in Dayton. Keith and I kept the booth open most of the time, though we did wander off and buy a few things. See the nice new sign!
N3IM at MARCO Booth, Dayton 2011

Several current members and a lot of potential members came by. We need to talk about a new hotel -- It gets worse every year. The Hara Arena is showing its age too -- down to 2 working toilets by Saturday afternoon.
From Keith Adams, N3IM:
Dayton was busy this year. I guess a lot of people decided to take one of their vacations at Dayton this year. The flea market was busy and there was a lot of vintage gear and newer gear. I believe there was more Ham gear for sale this year then in the last 3-4 years when computers tended to be everywhere in the flea market. This year still had computer dealers but not so much thaat it was boring to walk in the flea market.
An interesting antenna was seen in the flea market made out of horse fence.
Unfortunately for Dayton on Saturday the main sewer line from Hara Arena ruptured. I wonder if it was due to the Beer (by the way the Amber Bock was nice and cold, thanks Chip.). They had it all fixed by Sunday.
Chip was the grand winner for new gear, I believe, although Ed Jones may have been close. Of course Roger Higley stopped by to say hello and he may have bought some new gear but didn't mention it.
Notable was the weather which was absolutely top notch. No thunderstorms or cold weather.
Interestingly for QRP fanatics were the HW 7,8 and 9 rigs available.
I did not stay at the Ramada so I can't comment, but Chip had first hand expirience and it sounds like the reason they are no longer a Holiday Inn is location and the large number of newer Hotels that were built about 4 miles up I-75. I wonder how long the current management will exist. Food has suffered for 2 or 3 years and the rooms are getting old. Bar is closed. With the current economy in Dayton (NRC moved out last year) This hotel's location is less than ideal for most traveler's. Also, the Italian Restaurant appears to be closed now. We had some good times there with eveeryone. Maybe Roger can tell us about that.
The Hamvention Radio station was indoors this year near the ARRL area.
AMSAT had a station set-up in the parking lot just outside of Ball arena.
Maybe more interesting was the fact that Homeland Security must have been concerned with the Internatiional Flavor of the event as the FBI attended and did not have a booth. Maybe all they were interested in was seeing the new Wouxon radio, hi,hi,hi,hi.
Although we did not have the normal attendees this year Chip was a great help as I had driven in from getting off work at Uniontown at midnight arriving in Dayton at 5 AM and was in HARA Arena at 7. I was able to go back to my hotel and catch a quick nap.
I lost an old friend 2 days before Dayton as my Jeep Liberty which I have had for 10 years was hit and totaled. It had 234,000 miles on it and ran like a top. One of the Daimler/Chrysler products. Some of you will remember it as you rode in it. I even believe that Polycarp rode in it many years ago before he disappeared form the Ham bands and MARCO.
I forgot to mention that charter member #13 W4TX was at the booth and we had a good discussion.
And Larry Wissing, N4MKT added:
Thanks Keith nice write up, was there and saw Chip briefly sorry I missed you.
Friday, May 13, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for May 15 and 22, 2011
This Sunday Grand Rounds will be held at the new regular time of 11 am Eastern on 14.307. Net Controller this Sunday will be Harry WB9EDP out of the Windy City. Discussion pending.
Aether, our Newsletter. will be out, early, in the mail next week with photos of El Paso.
Bruce KM2L will handle net control the following Sunday as I will be undergoing surgical procedure on Thursday May 19th (delayed to let Aspirin effect wear off. ) Hope to be on board the following week. Keep the blue side up!
{Note from KM2L: The topic for May 22 will be Craig Venter and gene sequencing. Best of luck, Warren!)
Monday, May 02, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for May 8, 2011
Due to bad propagation due to a solar storm we postponed the discussion to this Sunday 11 am 14.307 Eastern Time. Topic: Knee Replacement Surgery. Note the new time. The Flyers have moved to 14.290 at 11:30 am. Eastern, leaving the frequency open.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for May 1, 2011
NET CHANGE....This Sunday we will discuss "Knee Replacement Surgery" and finish the discussion on "Hip Replacement Surgery" of last week.
The Fly-Boys have flown the coop...they are now on 14.290 SO we will go back to 14.307 (the old frequency) at 11 am Eastern. I say again, 14.307 at 11 am Eastern Time. Should be fun--and don't be afraid to SPEAK UP. Lately, you are forcing me to gargle with 3 in 1 oil and it doesn't taste good!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for April 24, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds to Try New Frequency, Time
11:00AM EDT, on 14.310 MHz.
The attempt is to take advantage of generally improved propagation at that time.
We will see how it goes and adjust accordingly.
Friday, April 08, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for April 10, 2011
This Sunday we will discuss "Medical Management of Stable Coronary Artery Disease." This is defined as "an established pattern of angina chest pain, a history of a heart attack or the presence of plaque documented by catheterization." This condition affects around 20 million Americans and many who have not been diagnosed, i.e., "silent angina."
REASON FOR POSSIBLE CHANGE? 1. Better propagation at a later hour. 2. West Coast hams will not have to get up at 6:30 am to get on board. 3. People will have returned from church (?). Any comment?????
2011 MARCO Annual Meeting Notes
The 2011 MARCO Annual Membership Meeting took place in El Paso, Texas from March 31 to April 2.
Danny W4DAN and Caroline, Arnold WB6OJB and Joan, and Jeff K6JW and Rowie arrived by automobile. Mary AE4BX came in her RV after wandering the country for about two months. The rest of us (Warren KD4GUA, Lou WA1HGE, Ellen KC9ARN and Paul N6DMV and Elsa) flew to El Paso. Linda KE5BQK and Bernie KD5QHV served as our capable and gracious hosts.
Unfortunately, KD4GUA and WA1HGE were delayed by bad weather. The rest of us gathered at the El Paso Marriott on Thursday evening, March 31 for a drink, and then adjourned across the street to the Cattle Baron for dinner.
On Friday morning, April 1, we traveled in a motorcade out to the airfield at Santa Teresa, New Mexico, where the plane KD5QHV flies usually resides. We had hoped to see “Big Bird” but it was away for maintenance. The Business Meeting was conducted at the hangar and was accompanied by a delicious breakfast featuring breakfast burritos and assorted other goodies.
Following the conclusion of the Business Meeting we all headed back to town, taking the alternate route across Franklin Mountain. This afforded us great views of the desert, the western portion of El Paso and Fort Bliss.
Later in the day we took a tour of the Kay Bailey Hutchinson desalination plant, the largest such inland facility in the world. Xavier Orozco, our guide, clearly and succinctly explained the workings of the plant and fielded questions from the group.
In the evening we descended en masse on Julio's for a tasty Tex-Mex dinner.
Saturday was hot and dry but luckily not windy. The group members spent their free time in various ways. Some visited the El Paso Art Museum while others toured the U.S. Border Patrol Museum. A small group returned to Santa Teresa to take a look at “Big Bird,” which had returned to its perch.
The annual MARCO Banquet took place at the Cattleman's Ranch in Fabens, Texas. All agreed with KD5QHV's assessment that “The worst food I ever ate here was delicious.” Happy hour saw the world premiere performance of the MARCO Blues Band, with Linda “Evita” Krasowski on blues harp and Jeff “Howlin'” Wolf and “Buffalo Bruce” Small on guitar. El Paso's own Pat “Guitar Slim” Chase was featured guest artist and graciously lowered his standards to allow the rest of us to participate. Thanks, Slim!!
We also had a visit from Andrew Jackson of the Border Patrol. He was kind enough to answer questions from the audience. Bernie Krasowski raffled a bottle of Shiraz uniquely labeled in CW, raising $140 for MediShare.
All too soon the weekend came to a close, and good friends were forced to part company.
We gather again in 2012 in Dayton, Ohio, and in 2013 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
See you there!
Minutes of the Medical Amateur Radio Council Annual Membership Meeting
April 1, 2011
Santa Teresa, New Mexico
The meeting was called to order at 9:45 AM MDT by President Linda Krasowski KE5BQK.
Members in attendance were President Linda Krasowski KE5BQK, President-Elect Mary Favaro AE4BX, Secretary Danny Centers W4DAN, Treasurer Lou Wiederhold WA1HGE, Newsletter Editor Warren Brown KD4GUA, MediShare Chairperson Arnold Kalan WB6OJB, Bernie Krasowski KD5QHV, Paul Lukas N6DMV, Ellen Przekop KC9ARN, Jeff Wolf K6JW, Teresa Small and Bruce Small KM2L. Harry Przekop WB9EDP participated by telephone.
The minutes of the 2010 meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary reported that MARCO has 235 members, including 40 who are not current with their dues payments. Total membership is up by about 20, largely due to the Secretary's practice of sending a copy of the newsletter to new check-ins to the net. Some are also recruited at the Dayton Hamvention.
N3IM, N5RTF and W4DAN will be present at Dayton this year. The Ramada now demands a deposit for meeting rooms, the banquet, and also individual rooms set aside as a block for MARCO. The latter is problematic. W4DAN will speak with the hotel about this matter when he is in Dayton.
We now have a MARCO credit card. Treasurer WA1HGE must approve any expenditures using this card.
The Treasurer reported that while MARCO's annual inflows are steady, our expenses vary, primarily due to the cost of the annual meeting. Expenditure for the newsletter averages $2100 annually. At the close of 2010 total deposits were $10781.14 in the bank account and $6345.03 in a CD.
KM2L reported that despite improved security practices, the MARCO Website was hacked again. After some research, we believe that the attacked exploited a flaw in Filezilla, the ftp client that the Internet Committee was using to upload content. KM2L no longer uses this program for uploads, and we have been problem-free for the past few months.
MARCO Sunday morning Grand Rounds as heard at KM2L's station are now available via Skype. W1BEW and N4TSC are regular listeners. W0RPH and N5RTF often stop by.
KD4GUA delivered the Newsletter Editor's report. He welcomes contributions from members, especially technical articles. It was the consensus of those in attendance that the quality of the Aether is consistently outstanding, and that Warren is to be commended. WB6OJB commented that his wife had copied the recent article on medication expiration dates and distributed it to several of her friends.
WB6OJB and WA1HGE presented the MediShare report. The current MediShare balance is $6024, up from $3109 last year. We do not currently have a project, but this level of funding would allow us to proceed with one. There was considerable discussion about how to find a suitable project. Among the suggestions were contacting Mike Marks of Bush Hospital Foundation, the Medical Amateur Radio Society of Japan, MARCO members in Japan, and Direct Relief International. Additionally, WB6OJB has a contact in Zambia, and he will see if there might be a project available there. WA1HGE recalled that we had a communications project with an African hospital and its affiliated clinics a few years ago, and suggested that we contact them to see if they require any additional help. KD4GUA will contact Smitty, W6CS and KM2L will check back issues of the newsletter for contact information.
New Business:
Duane Wyatt once again requested that MARCO consider funding his Kids' Club project. The consensus of the meeting was that we have previously dealt with this issue. Regardless of the project's worthiness, it is not consistent with MARCO's mission, and we consider the question closed.
WA1HGE commented on last year's appointment of KM2L as Assistant Treasurer. He indicated that the Secretary, W4DAN is the Assistant Treasurer, and that this action was redundant. W4DAN clarified the thinking behind this action. When Robin Staebler served as Secretary/and de facto Treasurer, no one else was familiar with his procedures, and no one else had access to the membership database. When he became ill, it was a difficult chore to recover the data. MARCO should take steps to avoid a similar scenario in the future, should an officer become incapacitated. W4DAN further recommended that the current membership database be converted from Filemaker to Microsoft Access or an equivalent and possibly be made available to additional officers. KM2L will explore online possibilities (“the cloud”). K6JW suggested the creation of a procedure manual by each officer, to be entrusted to the President for safekeeping.
KE5BQK and KD5QHV commissioned the creation of a new MARCO banner, displayed for the first time at this meeting. It will go with W4DAN to Dayton.
Open Forum:
KD4GUA took possession of a 1500 watt amplifier as arranged by Stuart Oserman WA9ZPL. The amplifier requires a 220V line, and Warren does not presently have one in his shack. This is an “XYL” problem.
KD4GUA suggested that we start Grand Rounds one hour later, as propagation is better at that time. This will necessitate a change in frequency, as 14.307 MHz is occupied by the Air Force Flyers net after the end of our net. It was decided that near the end of Grand Rounds, KD5QHV/KE5BQK, N6DMV, WB6OJB and KC9ARN/WB9EDP will search for an unoccupied frequency, and interested participants will QSY to that frequency to continue discussion. Once we find a reliable frequency, we will move the net there permanently.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 AM MDT.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for March 27, 2011
Keep the blue side up. Warren KD4gua.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for March 20, 2011
This Sunday we will complete the discussion of "Fibromyalgia" and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and by request delve into "Ionizing Radiation." I hope our two physicists are available, Harry WB9EDP and Bruce KM2L as this is a very complicated subject that we will try and keep simple.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for March 13, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for February 27, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for February 20, 2011
This Sunday we will discuss "STEM CELLS.' Believe it or not, across the drink at Tampa Bay's Univ. of So. Florida Medical Center they are TREATING heart failure patients with umbilical cord stem cells and they are growing new heart tissue in failing hearts that have been unable to obtain heart transplants. Ejection rates have risen--the stem cell era is HERE NOW--can we afford it? Tune in Sunday 14.307 10 a.m. EST.
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for February 13, 2011
Tune in should be fun--and keep those Deutschlanders off the freq by tuning in a little early so you can upset the CWers as well. Maybe we should all go CW and send out the message MOVE! If they are back, we may be up on 14.308 or down on 14.306.
Bob K4RLC contributed the following reply:
Saw you were going to be discussing sports concussions next Sunday.
Murphy has me at a church function at the same time as the net, so I'm
sending you some good articles on sports concussions.
Some consider me an "expert" in this area, as I am the
neuropsychologist on the Sports Medicine team for the Carolina
Hurricanes, professional hockey team. And work with the National
Hockey League Concussion management program. I'm also part of the
North Carolina High School Sports Safety Task Force, formed after
three high school football players died in sports related incidents in
NC in 2008. I am fortunate to work with Kevin Guskiewicz, PhD, Chair
of the Dept of Exercise and Sport Science at UNC Chapel Hill. In fact,
two weekends ago, I was part of a symposium at UNC Sports Medicine on
Mild TBI in sports. Kevin is an internation expert on sports
concussions - you will see his work cited in the TIME article.
But, as you know, when the popular media latches onto a complex
medical situation, they tend to sensationalize and/or over-simplify
it. The good outcome is the increased awareness of concussive injury
in a subset of the millions of kids who play some form of sports,
either rec league or organized. One single uncomplicated concussion
should not be detrimental, and have good recovery. The problem is
multiple concussions; concussions with pre-existing problems such as
childhood migraines (or family hx of migraines), childhood depression,
ADHD, Tourette's, etc. This definitely complicates recovery. Also, if
there are two concussions relatively close in time, recovery can be
problematic. My wife Alanna, a pediatric neuropsychologist (and ham
K4AAC) and I are writing a review article on diagnosis and management
of pediatric sports concussions, and presenting at another regional
conference in April on this. The article is too rough to forward.
Of the attached articles, you get some of the most recent work in the
field. Ruben Echemendia, PhD is the head of the NHL Concussion
program, and worked at Penn State with Joe Pa. Steve Macciocchi, PhD
is a neuropsychologist at Shepherd Rehab in Atlanta. Chris Randolph is
our resident skeptic.
-A large part of our practice is now pediatric sports concussions. Of
course, you evaluate the kids from a BioPsychSocial approach, as with
any patient, as some are more functional than organic, or just
complicated kids. And, I'm also a concerned parent, as our son is a
varsity high school linebacker.
-Hope you enjoy reading this stuff, and sorry I can't make the net.
Always too much going on.
Sunday, February 06, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for February 6, 2011
This Sunday we will discuss "Psoriasis" --by request....let's get some concrete diseases, these fuzzies have too many maybeeeeess.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for January 30, 2011
This Sunday we will discuss "Multiple Sclerosis." First described in 1868 it has a prevalence between 2 and 150 per 100,000. The cause remains unknown. Should be fun.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for January 23, 2011
This Sunday we will discus Shingles and "Post Herpatic Neuralgia." About 1/3 of us if we live long enough will get this bugger so best you tune in 14.307 MHz 10 am Eastern.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for January 16, 2011
Topic for Sunday 10 am EST, Jan. 16, 2011...."Sleep Apnea." Tune in and stay clear of the contest.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Update on the 2011 MARCO Annual Meeting
We will have our meeting Friday morning at 9:00 AM at the hangar where Bernie's plane lives. Hopefully, the plane will be in residence that morning. There will be a selection of food including fruit, burritos, tamales and other stuff to eat plus coffee and juices.
Friday afternoon I have set up a 45 minute tour of our inland desalinization plant, the only one I think that exists.We re working on a list of other things to do/see. Depending on the weather, we could go on up the tramway to the mountain top and see out into the wild blue yonder of Mexico, New Mexico and Texas. More on this later.
I have made the arrangements for the banquet to be held at Cattleman's Steakhouse at Indian Cliffs Ranch in Fabens, TX. It is out in the desert about 15 miles, just off the freeway, and is a famous place. We will have a private room that has great views of the sunset. The place sits on a small hill so the view is very nice. They feed the wild coyotes the meat scraps every night and maybe we will see them eating. They also have a bunch of birds and animals to look at if anyone wants to wander around before dinner.
I have been in touch with the Public Affairs person at the Border Patrol and he has agreed to speak at our banquet. I think it will be interesting.
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
MARCO Grand Rounds for January 9, 2011
Should be a fun topic as it is beginning to spread internationally.