Saturday, December 31, 2011

MARCO Grand Rounds for January 1, 2012

From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday, we will discuss the "hangover effect" on the G.I. tract.  That is the way food & alcohol is digested, all the enzymes starting with Ptylin in the saliva.  If we have time, we will indulge in gastro-esophageal diseases, burp....pardon me.  Since football doesn't start until later in the day we may have a few stations available for check-ins.   Remember over the holidays don't drink and drive, driving will spill your drinks. 
     (And by the way, on  a recent poll, 34% of holiday accidents are alcohol related.  That means, 66% of the accidents are caused by non-drinkers--so be wary of the sober drivers.)  burp.

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