Friday, March 07, 2014

MARCO Grand Rounds for March 9, 2014

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday, George Vilican, DDS, KE8GA , North Carolina, requested a talk on "Root Canals."  George, we hope will be on board this Sunday as I am NOT a dentist, BUT have had several root canals like you fellows have probably had also.  Once you have had a root canal you do not want another! 
     Since you have 32 teeth it means you could have 32 root canals so it is a subject we should cover (with something).  It is also possible you could have 64 root canals if the dentist decides to leave some of the pulp behind (good for business?)

     If George is not  on board, perhaps another dentist might help out--I have pulled, or wedged out a few teeth in my career as a family doctor, so if all fails you will hear the story, but not from the horses mouth!  Tune in should be fun.

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