Wednesday, March 26, 2014

MARCO Grand Rounds for March 30, 2014

From Warren KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will discuss DREAMS....may throw in a little sleepwalkers and narcoleptics....propagation is fine, couldn't be better? 

      Here's NEWS....Pensacola, FL., August 1923, via "Aeronautical Digest"...a novel plan for teaching radio code to student naval aviators has been under trial and gives eery indications of

 being both practical and valuable.  The plan is to teach students radio code while they are asleep.  Before turning in at night the student adjusts the receivers on his head which are used in the regular class.  A watch is stood throughout the night by expert operations on the sending key and throughout the night hey send at high-speed, about 10 words in excess of the student's capacity to receive.  It has ben found that in his conscious hours the following day, the student is able to receive messages at the speed they were sent to him while he was asleep.  HOW MANY HAVE TRIED THIS?  (I Put the code machine under my pillow and then started counting sheep.)

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