Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sri Lanka Radio Project

MediShare International has supported MARCO Member Hemantha Gamage, 4S7HG in his efforts to equip his hospital with a VHF mobile communications system to facilitate communication with its ambulances. In an email sent today, Hemantha announced the near-completion of this project. Congratulations!

Dear Sirs,
I am pleased to inform you that we have started installing radio equipments of our VHF system in Sri Lanka. This week we installed the base station at the District General Hospital Gampaha.
The base station was fixed in the room reserved for the Telephone operators in the hospital. The antenna was fixed on the roof top of the 7 story building. The cable is 100m long approximately. This happened because we planned for a repeater but we had to give up that idea due to licensing problems. The radio is transmitting 25w but we checked the effective power reaching the antenna was only 2.5w. However we could contact Colombo without much problem yesterday.

We have to do more fine tuning in order to get more effective radiation.

We have also started installing mobile units and would complete them by next Tuesday.
At the same time we happened to pay approximately Rs. 15000/= per radio as the annual frequency charge. But we are negotiating with the central government and telecom authorities with the help of local government health minister to exempt the charges. I wish it would work. I am very happy that most of our senior officers and the (Local Government) health minister are enthusiastic about this new development. Also they are very happy to see ambulances of 4 small peripheral hospitals getting reliable mode of communication with our project.

We have fixed a date for a small opening ceremony for the new development, tentatively fixed 5th of april 2008. I would appreciate if you could send a message (or any suggestion) for the opening ceremony. I apologize that I could not send you some pictures of the work done because

I was busy with my family commitments and my job.
Anyway I will send all the photos and details of the project as soon as I completed the work (opening ceremony).

However I feel I have driven our work to towards the "goal" successfully. Also I feel the time, money and effort that I spent with your lavish contribution has become a fruitful effort.
My director and the minister would contact you after completion of the project for thanking the friends at MARCO.

Thank you.
Hemantha Gamage 4S7HG.

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