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Sunday, December 31, 2017
Bruce Small shared 1 photo with you
Friday, December 29, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for December 31, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday we should have a full bladder….#1 by request, “What is the 4Kscore (the new test for prostate cancer? #2, “What is the latest on ‘Does Death Exist?” And if we have time. “How to change the Russian mind.” A lot of good stuff—don’t miss and add your three cents.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for December 24, 2017
From Warren, KD4GUA:
THIS SUNDAY WE WILL DISCUSS The Tennessee Mom who recently gave birth to a 24 year old previously frozen embryo.
Do you realize the Mother was just 1.5 years old when the embryo was frozen? Her daughter Emma Wren was born on Nov. 25
We will add to the spice by presenting a scientific version of the current feelings about after life experiences…Bring you own tidbits that your patients have told you about and we will compare notes. Should be a FUN time.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for December 17, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday at the request of Dave Justis KN0S in Virginia, we will discuss OBESITY IS LINKED TO AT LEAST 13 TYPES OF CANCER, a new study released recently the New England JOURNAL OF MEDICINE. The title speaks for itself….tune in and be on the cutting edge.
Thursday, December 07, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for December 10, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will discuss DREAMS. WE discussed this 5 years ago so let’s see how much you remember.
Tune in it should be fun.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for December 3, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will tap the CUTTING EDGE….Recently a neurosurgeon drilled a nickel sized burr hole into a paralyzed patients’s skull and injected donor stem cells around a stroke affected part of her brain….Then everyone waited--but not for long….tune in and find out what happened!
Saturday, November 25, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for November 26, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday, barring contests, we will discuss TARDIVE DYSKINESIA by request. Should be a good one. Tune in!
Friday, November 03, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for November 5, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will discuss BLADDER CANCER & TREATMENT. I know we are all loaded with vinegar for this one which was delayed due to the past week’s contest. Tune in should be fun.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for October 29, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will discuss BLADDER CANCER, the 6th most common cancer out there. Let’s break the record of 54 stations this Sunday…..full house, good propagation, no hurricanes, no earthquakes…should be a good one.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for October 22, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday, by request, we will talk about the HERPES VIRUS. (The request was for Herpes Simplex).
Tune in, should be fun
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for October 15, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will continue the discussion of PRO-BIOTICS. One in five of us admit to using them but how much for How long?
Tune in with your expertise on this fascinating subject.
Friday, October 06, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for October 8, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will discuss “PROBIOTICS,” are they effective? Bring your knowledge and experience to the mike and Let us know of your experiences….one in 5 Americans are taking probiotics….are you? Tune in, should be fun.
Saturday, September 30, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for October 1, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday by request, we will discuss “PHYSICIANS’ RETIREMENT.” All the problems and solutions of leaving active practice….If you are a retired physician prepare to discuss your retirement problems and how you solved them.
This is a bump in the road we all face and most of us are scared about the consequences.
[Ed: Problems? What problems??]
Friday, September 22, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for September 24, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
EXCELLENT NEWS…Antenna up, rig working, power back, fence and two trees down no lives lost in area…I want to thank Art Larson KK1Y for the use of his rig last Sunday.
This Sunday we will discuss PSORIASIS and the approval of Valient’s new Psoriasis drug SILIQ (brodalumab). Just imagine your disfigurement from this condition and the feelings of Inadequacy in these patients. A breath of fresh air for many severe cases.
Tune in, should be fun.
Friday, September 08, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for September 10, 2017
From Warren, KD4GUA:
This Sunday, N5AN, Bud, transmitting from Louisiana will present a talk on CATARACTS. At just about air time the eye of IRMA will pass close by (not too close I hope) my rig, but I will try and get my signal out—that’s what ham radio operators are supposed to do in hurricanes. I lowered my Mosley Yagi antenna so I may have difficulty getting out and in but knowing Bud, I know he will do a good Job. Tune in, should be fun.
Friday, September 01, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for September 3, 2017
From Warren, KD4GUA:
This Sunday, by request, we will discuss Lyme disease…DAVE JUSTIS MD, PHD, writing from the ER, states, “Ticks too are still in the news through this year In Virginia, even in February, due to the warm winter. “One special aspect of personal interest is the unusual topic of MMA or “Mammalian Meat Allergy” (personal experience with this one—whenever I eat hamburger be it rare since I nearly am always vegetarian—hives and GI upset occur, related to alpha-gal allergy secondary to tick bite….relatively new disease.). Tune in, should be FUN!
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for August 27, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
THIS SUNDAY we will discuss REGENEXX, SAFE & EFFECTIVE? or is it a SCAM? Regenexx is stem cell therapy now being used by 20+. Clinics in the US in orthopedic injury treatment. Patients will be coming to your office for guidance—best to tune in, should be a HOT topic.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for August 20, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will return to last year’s discussion of PLACEBO. Does a surgeon saying a prayer for the patient before surgery get better results than one who doesn’t? Is a red pill more potent than a green one? What is your opinion? Are larger pills more effective Than smaller pills? 32% of you are clinically affected, are you one of them? Tune in, should be fun.
Tuesday, August 08, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for August 13, 2017
From Warren, KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will discuss LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS. Tune in should be fun.
Wednesday, August 02, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for August 6, 2017
From Warren, KD4GUA:
THIS SUNDAY WE ARE GOING TO BRING BACK “THE HISTORY OF ANESTHESIA>”. Or “What was it like to have a leg amputated during the Revolutionary War? Tune in, should be fun.
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for July 30, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will discuss the “disease of the week,” GLIOBLASTOMA.” IT’S A BAD ONE, are there any cures on the horizon? Tune in, should be gruesome.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for July 23, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
Last Sunday we transmitted during the SOLAR STORM but managed to get some info in on the Impella 5 cardiac pump. If you missed it you can read about this incredible device in AETHER, not the latest in August but in the October edition. This Sunday we will discuss ATRIAL FIBRILLATION & the “Watchman Device” used to replace anticoagulents in non-valvular atrial fib. It is CUTTING EDGE.
Thursday, July 13, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for July 16, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
THIS SUNDAY we will take you, a novice cardiac interventionist, into the realm of modern medicine to give you an inkling as to what is going on with IMPELLA, a flow assist device and perhaps with time, TAVR, replacing aortic stenotic valves though peripheral vessels…sounds exciting—it is! I hope we can have Art KK1Y on board, a thoracic surgeon, who has first hand experience in this field. Should be FUN.
Wednesday, July 05, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for July 9, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
Last Sunday we placed you in the position of the ER doc with a fellow named “Scott” coming in with weird bizarre pains and you were asked to make the diagnosis..this Sunday we will follow through with more details on a rather rare but frightening diagnosis….DISSECTION OF THE AORTA. It is out there waiting for you to stumble…tune in Sunday 14.342, 11 am Eastern to brush away the cobwebs. Should be fun.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for July 2, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
DON’T MISS THIS ONE—AORTIC DISSECTION. THIS ONE can fool U—pain anywhere from chest to groin and NO it is not the Gall bladder! Tune in should be fun.
Saturday, June 17, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for June 18, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
WE WILL DISCUSS “NSAIDS” on Sunday. Once considered SAFE drugs, the FDA released new warnings in 2015 relating to dangers of initiating hart attacks and strokes. Controversial? Add your two cents worth. The more the merrier.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for May 14, 2017
From Warren, KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will discuss a very important subject. INAPPROPRIATE DRUGS IN THE ELDERLY & THE BEERS CRITERIA.” THIS is extra important because Yale researches have recently found nearly 1/3 of medications approved by the FDA over the past 10 years had later warnings & advisories. The drug you thought was safe should now be viewed as a “probable.” Scary!
Monday, May 01, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for May 7, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
BACK FROM THE very Windy City…..THIS WEEK WE WILL TALK ABOUT “PREPARING FOR THE SUMMER INVASION OF TICKS.” HOW TO avoid the blood suckers and all that good STUFF. TUNE IN should be fun.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for March 26, 2017
Now that we are all aware that Jay AA4FL will be retiring his email address, there is this from Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday by request we will discuss CRISPR and DNA altering in wiping our cancer....We now have the power to quickly and easily alter DN. It could eliminate disease. It could solve world hunger. I t could provide unlimited clean energy AND it could really get out of hand. Tune in!
This Sunday by request we will discuss CRISPR and DNA altering in wiping our cancer....We now have the power to quickly and easily alter DN. It could eliminate disease. It could solve world hunger. I t could provide unlimited clean energy AND it could really get out of hand. Tune in!
Sunday, March 19, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for March 19, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
LAST SUNDAY we discussed yellow or white FATS, including Leptin, the satiety hormone and Ghrelin, the hunger hormone. THIS Sunday we will discuss BROWN FAT, THE ONE WITH THE MITOCHONDRIA (heat factories) that enables us to shiver to keep warm. An interesting subject that bears investigating. SO garner your fat thighs and pull up a chair to your radio in the AM (yes your AM radio will work in the PM) and we will shed a few words.
LAST SUNDAY we discussed yellow or white FATS, including Leptin, the satiety hormone and Ghrelin, the hunger hormone. THIS Sunday we will discuss BROWN FAT, THE ONE WITH THE MITOCHONDRIA (heat factories) that enables us to shiver to keep warm. An interesting subject that bears investigating. SO garner your fat thighs and pull up a chair to your radio in the AM (yes your AM radio will work in the PM) and we will shed a few words.
Tuesday, March 07, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for March 12, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will discuss 'BROWN FAT" Not Yellow fat or pink fat but BROWN FAT! Tune in should be fun.
This Sunday we will discuss 'BROWN FAT" Not Yellow fat or pink fat but BROWN FAT! Tune in should be fun.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for February 26, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will discuss MORGELLON'S DISEASE & FEARS. Morgellon's is also known as "an invisible diagnosis". It should be fun chasing something we cannot see? Tune in and bring your magnifying glass.
This Sunday we will discuss MORGELLON'S DISEASE & FEARS. Morgellon's is also known as "an invisible diagnosis". It should be fun chasing something we cannot see? Tune in and bring your magnifying glass.
Friday, February 17, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for February 19, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday, we will discuss circadian rhythms and how to adjust your body clock in one day.
This Sunday, we will discuss circadian rhythms and how to adjust your body clock in one day.
will get your body clock in synch with your wristwatch--set your alarm
for 11 am EST Sunday at 14.342 MHz and as a bonus we will tell you why all
clocks run clockwise.
Wednesday, February 08, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for February 12, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will discuss “INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE.” WHAT’S THAT? There are at present 2.6 million opioid addicts in the U.S. with 91 dying daily—in an effort to cut down on pain meds various teaching institutes (Cleveland Clinic, Univ. Florida, Duke, Ochsner, the VA etc.,) are now teaching “Integrative Medicine.” It is a resurrection of old ideas of healing with the newer scientific ideas. It is a challenging subject…tune in should be FUN.
Thursday, February 02, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for February 5, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
Topic: MEDICAL MARIJUANA….we will discuss its use in Florida and nationwide…it is legal now in Florida and the state is revving up for its use—but who can dispense it? TUNE IN for “Pot Luck on Sunday.”
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for January 29, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
A TRUE DILEMMA--brought on by RSV
A TRUE DILEMMA--brought on by RSV
You are a physician and one
night at about 1 a.m. you are gasping for BREATH with a low grade
fever--you dress and are driven to the ER where you are treated with
bronchodilators, epinephrine, corticosteroids, hypertonic saline and
antibiotics along with respiratory therapy. You are diagnosed as having
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus bronchiolitis.
neighbor's 18 month old child has caught the same virus and is rushed to
the ER where he is admitted to ICU. He is treated with supportive
therapy, fluids, i.v. nutrition ONLY--the child wavers between life and
death and finally recovers. Comparing notes the neighbor family is
very upset as we find the child's hospital treatment has followed the
new guidelines and was treated with only supportive therapy....what if
the young child had died and you were the child's physician...would
these different "guidelines" hold up in court or in your conscience?
Friday, January 20, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for January 22, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
BRUCE KM2L brought down the rafters last week with his lecture on "Dietary Recommendations." He will continue the discussion this week.
BRUCE KM2L brought down the rafters last week with his lecture on "Dietary Recommendations." He will continue the discussion this week.
Some startling facts....In Sweden, 70,000 in egg eating study---no
increase in mortality....hi simple sugar intake raising the blood sugar
rapidly has a detrimental effect on the sclerotic arteries. Increase in
dairy intake, 2800 subjects, less likelihood of developing heart disease. [KM2L note: Actually, the decrease is in the incidence of diabetes. There is some evidence for a protective effect on heart disease, but this is more "iffy."]
Trans fats illegal in the U.S. as of 2018. Bruce would rather eat butter than margarine.
Let's hope Bruce can keep the ball rolling--should be another winner, tune in.
Tuesday, January 03, 2017
MARCO Grand Rounds for January 8, 2017
From Warren KD4GUA:
I presume all are tired of holidays jovial disturbancesanditstimetogobacktowork.....It will be carpal tunnel this time...too simple you say, o.k. what is the "flick test?" SO, this Sunday we will try and make something simple tough;;;it occurs in 3% of the population so they have a right to be heard.
I presume all are tired of holidays jovial disturbancesanditstimetogobacktowork.....It will be carpal tunnel this time...too simple you say, o.k. what is the "flick test?" SO, this Sunday we will try and make something simple tough;;;it occurs in 3% of the population so they have a right to be heard.
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