Wednesday, November 30, 2016

MARCO Grand Rounds for December 4, 2016

From Warren, KD4GUA:

THIS SUNDAY we will discuss 'DEBUNKING THE DEBUNKERS."    What does that mean?  Well, when we were kids we all knew that Popeye was super strong because he ate spinach which contained IRON.  Thus, Mom  told us to eat spinach.  Popeye's creators knew that spinach has a lot of iron but in 1937, scientists realized that the original measurement of the iron in 100 grams of spinach, 35 milligrams--was off by a factor of 10.  That's  because a German chemist had questionably placed a decimal point in his notebook back in 1870 and the goof persisted for more than half a century.
Then in 2014 a report that men who had vasectomies MAY be at risk for prostate cancer--finally we had to go to SCOPES to find out if this were true--
Now we are confused by when screening for breast cancer, prostate cancer, G.I. cancer should be done and....?

To add to the confusion, tune in 11 am. Eastern, 14.342 MHz--should be fun.

Friday, November 25, 2016

MARCO Grand Rounds for November 27, 2016

My apologies to those who looked for blog updates in the past few weeks and didn't find them. I was traveling in places with poor Internet connectivity, and was unable to keep up with my correspondence.

Last week's Grand Rounds was canceled due to QRM from the ARRL Sweepstakes, so, according to Warren KD4GUA, the topic was shifted to this week's net:

This Sunday, by request and as a follow-up from the lead story in the Dec. Aether, we will attempt to tackle the P450 system in the liver (and other places).  The subject is complex and scary as we begin to get an insight into why drugs have side effects.  Their power is determined by this system which is NOT THE SAME IN EVERY HUMAN, thus, we were not all born alike.  What is causing the high development costs of drugs is that one 325 mg Aspirin, or any other drug,  does not have the same effect, for example, in everyone.
     We are entering the stage of PERSONALIZED MEDICINE whereas to get the max benefits it has to be the right dose of the right drug that is not induced or inhibited by the P450 system which breaks down 70% of all drugs and is not induced or inhibited by other drugs.  A giant problem that is  simmering below the headlines which the legal eagles are waiting with open fangs to exploit.
     Have a martini and enjoy the show!