Monday, January 05, 2015

Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, April 19 to 21.

From MARCO President Jeff Wolf K6JW:

    We're into the new year and it's time to make your reservations for 
the MARCO Annual Meeting in Los Angeles in March. Full information about 
the meeting is available at or on 
the MARCO website. The hotel may be called directly at 310-318-8888 or 
800-368-976. When you call, be sure to let them know that you're with 
MARCO to get the group rate.As of this date, several rooms are still 
    Finally, if you have not let me know that you're planning to attend, 
please do so as soon as possible. This will help me as I arrange for 
catering of our meeting and banquet, and for attendance at the Saturday 
field trip to the Nethercutt Museum and Collection.
    Happy new year to all!

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