Friday, October 18, 2013

MARCO Grand Rounds for October 18, 2013

From Warren KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will discuss a subject right from the horse's mouth--Herpes Zooster or "Shingles".  Pardon me as I scratch my right sided 3rd Lumbar dermatome.  I turned down the Zostavax 2007 vaccine because it had only a 50% reduction rate--now I wished I had taken it---Isn't that "MUrphy's Law?"  The vaccine is not cheap--runs around $170 at last check. 
You fellows with a good pain threshold  should be able to hold out without much difficulty--remember how to check your pain threshold?  Simply see how long you can go without blinking--if you can go over one minute you probably have a good pain threshold  but may end up with a dry cornea!  Try it and report your findings Sunday--a free "Zooster Cup Cake" for the leading Superman!

Hope the screaming episodes will be over by Sunday as I am now in my12th day.   Tune in should be FUN.

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