Tuesday, May 07, 2013

MARCO Grand Rounds for May 12, 2013

From Warren, KD4GUA:  
This Sunday we will discuss the relatively new procedure "SLEEVE GASTRECCTOMY," for those morbidly obese.  This laproscopic procedure resolves 56% of diabetes, 49% of hypertension, 43% of hyperlipidemia and 60% of obstructive sleep apnea...besides it is quicker, safer and diminishes the production of the hormone Ghrelin, which has been described as a hunger-regulating hormone.
    Tune in for an up-to-date report on this new procedure--
     We will start at 14.307 at 11 am Eastern Daylight time and if the "thing" (the terrorist)  is in his obstructive mood we will automatically move to our alternate frequency (and if occupied, go DOWNstream till we hit an open freq.)  DO NOT MENTION THE ALTERNATE FREQUENCY.  It would help  if some members would rag chew starting 30 minutes prior on 14.307, although last week he was already spewing his foul language at 10:20 am.....  In this way we can aid the monitors listening to his trash.  If you really want to get turned-off--listen to this LID!  (He is great for activating skunk glands.)

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