Thursday, May 30, 2013

MARCO Grand Rounds for June 2, 2013

From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will discuss by request:   "WHAT TO ORDER, A CT OR AN MRI?" 
If 14.307 is occupied by the LID then we will move up to 14.344.  Last week there was a net on 14.345 so we had to go down 2 to 14.342.  We will always go down 2--apparently this is working as we had 30 checkins.
LATEST Burma Shave ad...."Cautious rider to her reckless dear, Let's have less bull and a little more steer!" (The bull, we hope,  will be steered Sunday!)

Monday, May 20, 2013

MARCO Grand Rounds for May 26, 2013

From Warren KD4GUA:
   The terrorist was back this weekend and almost completely wiped out Grand Rounds--a short skip also didn't help....we had only 19 check-ins whereas we normally have 35-40.  We had to resort to 14.344 but there was a net or a schedule on 14.345 which overlapped so we had to go down. 
     Danny and I agreed that this bad guy is not going away.  However, it may end up being a good thing (?) ( Every cloud has a silver lining).  Therefore:   If we can't use 14.307 go to 14.344.  If we are not there go DOWN 2 to 14.342, if not there go down 2 to 14.340 until you pick us up (decreasing in increments of 2).  We thought moving the CW net up to 14.307 at l0:30 Eastern time might be a deterrent but that is up to the CW net.
     Everyone on Listserve should have gotten the June pdf edition of "Aether."  The printed edition will be in the mail shortly.  Photos taken in Myrtle Beach will be in the August edition as they didn't arrive in time for the June issue.  If anyone would like AETHER  EITHER the printed or the pdf version please advise, if not, you will receive both.
[NOTE: There will be no Skype simulcast of this Sunday's Grand Rounds. I will be at my son's college graduation - KM2L]

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

MARCO Grand Rounds for May 19, 2013

From Warren, KD4GUA:
     Last Sunday the "Terrorist" was waiting for us and we had to switch to 14.344.  Propagation was poor and lots of QRN so we lost a lot of members....SO, because the topic was so important we are going to continue the topic "BARIATRIC SURGERY" which includes lap bands & gastric by-pass procedures. 
     This topic is so important because now, surgical treatment of Diabetes Mellitus is the treatment of choice for those 100 lbs overweight.  This will be a banana---bonanza, for the surgeons in that the mortality is less than 1% at 6 months.  It will also be a lollipop for the lawyers for that 1%.
     There doesn't seem to be any way to waylay the intruder since he is using all sorts of gadgets to deter us and two wrongs don't make a right.  How about moving CW back to 14.307,  
30 minutes before net time?  This "slap on the wrist" by the FCC doesn't work with psychopaths. 

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

MARCO Grand Rounds for May 12, 2013

From Warren, KD4GUA:  
This Sunday we will discuss the relatively new procedure "SLEEVE GASTRECCTOMY," for those morbidly obese.  This laproscopic procedure resolves 56% of diabetes, 49% of hypertension, 43% of hyperlipidemia and 60% of obstructive sleep apnea...besides it is quicker, safer and diminishes the production of the hormone Ghrelin, which has been described as a hunger-regulating hormone.
    Tune in for an up-to-date report on this new procedure--
     We will start at 14.307 at 11 am Eastern Daylight time and if the "thing" (the terrorist)  is in his obstructive mood we will automatically move to our alternate frequency (and if occupied, go DOWNstream till we hit an open freq.)  DO NOT MENTION THE ALTERNATE FREQUENCY.  It would help  if some members would rag chew starting 30 minutes prior on 14.307, although last week he was already spewing his foul language at 10:20 am.....  In this way we can aid the monitors listening to his trash.  If you really want to get turned-off--listen to this LID!  (He is great for activating skunk glands.)

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

MARCO Grand Rounds for May 5, 2013

From Warren KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will discuss the topic of the week, "RICIN."  

At the meeting in Myrtle Beach, we decided to go BACK to 14.307, since the terrorist has been warned by the FCC (in December!).  If we get interference we will move up to 14.344.  Do NOT mention 14.344 on the air, simply say, "Resort to alternate frequency."  It would help if we  get a rag chew going at 10:30 EASTERN to keep the frequency open. 

We had a great time in Myrtle Beach thanks to our Prez Mary AE4BX.