Wednesday, November 28, 2012

MARCO Grand Rounds for December 2, 2012

From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will attempt to talk about Lyme Disease, a bacterial infection whose pathology closely resembles Lues the Social disease--syphilis.
I hope by this time you have received and been put to sleep by receiving our Aether.   Please sign the letter on page 5 and submit to the FCC and keep your toenails crossed that this idiot terrorist intruder isn't transmitting from Canada.
Also, CME Category II certificates for 2012 will soon be issued, after Jan. 1st,  to those whose dues are paid up with 5 or more credit hours.   Note on the mailing label that Danny our treasurer and secretary has given you pro-rated dues for 2013.  This is a new system we are usinganditwon'tbetoodificulttounderstandonceyougetusedtoit.
Members who have an interesting subject to present on Grand Rounds speak up, the more voices heard the more we learn.

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