Wednesday, November 28, 2012

MARCO Grand Rounds for December 2, 2012

From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will attempt to talk about Lyme Disease, a bacterial infection whose pathology closely resembles Lues the Social disease--syphilis.
I hope by this time you have received and been put to sleep by receiving our Aether.   Please sign the letter on page 5 and submit to the FCC and keep your toenails crossed that this idiot terrorist intruder isn't transmitting from Canada.
Also, CME Category II certificates for 2012 will soon be issued, after Jan. 1st,  to those whose dues are paid up with 5 or more credit hours.   Note on the mailing label that Danny our treasurer and secretary has given you pro-rated dues for 2013.  This is a new system we are usinganditwon'tbetoodificulttounderstandonceyougetusedtoit.
Members who have an interesting subject to present on Grand Rounds speak up, the more voices heard the more we learn.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

MARCO Grand Rounds for November 25, 2012

From Warren, KD4GUA:
This Sunday we hope to discuss the latest findings from the current New England Journal of Medicine releasing the latest figures on the efficacy of mammography in diagnosing breast cancer.  Strange as it may seem, since the inauguration of mammography in 1973 the morbidity and mortality of this disease hasn't changed.  Does this mean mammography is worthless?  Far 
from it, but what are its advantages?  Disadvantages?  Tune in should be fun.  
December Aether was mailed on November 21st.  On page 5 you will find a letter you should cut out or copy, and sign and send to the FCC--benign neglect can solve some problems but probably not the one we are encountering on the net.  
Any by the way, too many Generals are taking orders from their privates!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

MARCO Grand Rounds for November 18, 2012

From Warren, KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will attempt, providing you (all) have sent your email letter to the FCC in Gettysburg, PA (if you have lost it, a copy will be in the next AETHER), the topic of Grapefruit juice.  Does it inhibit the action of many drugs or does it enhance it?  Did you know that apple juice and certain orange juices will effect blood levels?  Should you stop totally ingesting these healthy fruits if you are taking meds?   Candy is supposedly bad for you--lots of calories==what is happening to our HELLthy foods?  Tune in should be fun. 

Monday, November 05, 2012

MARCO Grand Rounds for November 11, 2012

From Warren, KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will attempt to discuss "LYMPHOMA".  To those of you were not on board Sunday we had a meeting with the terrorist again, who used ultra bad language and totally disabled the net.  
KC9CS Bill in Largo, FL. taped the net and it is on its way right now to the FCC in Gettysburg, PA.  Bill has also contacted ARRL and they will have three observers on this coming Sunday listening--we have been advised to act perfectly normal.

Friday, November 02, 2012

MARCO Grand Rounds for November 4, 2012

From Warren, KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will review "LYMPHOMA."  There are so many different types and many confuse it with Leukemia to which it is closely related.
I am back from 10 days in Washington D.C. and John Doe and I have scrubbed it clean--the streets are immaculate!