Monday, January 25, 2010

MARCO Grand Rounds for January 31, 2010

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Sunday we discussed "Medical Marijuana." We barely touched the surface so we will continue with it this coming Sunday. What we have already learned is that marijuana has benefits (like alcohol) but is being abused (like alcohol) and will probably remain in the status quo unless the gov. allows patent rights to derivatives which would provide financial gain to pharma. 14 states have already approved it for "medical" and not "political or social" use. Doctors are afraid to prescribe it because like social drugs once done the entire drug community folllows and that usually means trouble.

We asked for all those who had tried it and we had a a resounding "roger." I guess I was the only one that has retained his cognitive powers (ha ha!). Tune in Sunday, should be fun.

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