Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Minutes of the MARCO Annual Meeting, May 2007

The annual membership meeting of the Medical Amateur Radio Council took place on the morning of May 4, 2007 at the Doubletree Suites in Santa Monica, CA.

Members in Attendance:

WB6OJB, President
WA1HGE, Treasurer
W4DAN, Secretary
KD4GUA, Newsletter Editor


The meeting was called to order by WB6OJB at 8:15 AM PDT.

1. President WB6OJB welcomed the members to southern California, and extended his thanks to the officers and Newsletter Editor for their hard work and valuable contributions.

2. Minutes of the 2006 meeting were read and approved with the following correction: Item (4) should have stated that dues checks go to W4DAN, not WA1HGE.

3. W4DAN requested that members sending renewals to him should submit a membership information form (printed in each issue of the Newsletter). In this way he will be sure to have current address information.

4. The Secretary also reported that MARCO has 238 dues-paying members. We will have a presence again at Hamvention in Dayton, with N3IM, N5RTF, and KM2L manning the booth. W4DAN has been working with the Holiday Inn North on a contract for next year’s meeting. The Secretary’s report was accepted.

5. The Treasurer reported that in 2006 dues collections were increased over 2005. Our main expenses are the newsletter and the annual meeting.

Category 1/1/05 – 12/31/05 1/1/06 – 12/31/06 Difference


Interest 7.69 11.05 3.36
Dues 3047.65 5223.61 2175.96
MediShare 7287.35 5767.87 -1519.48

Total 10342.69 11002.53 659.84


Advertising 405.60 405.00 .60
Meeting 1720.52 1360.88 359.64
Contribution 0.00 100.00 -100.00
Internet 100.00 0.00 100.00
Newsletter 1400.00 2100.00 -700.00
Office 0.00 31.46 -31.46

MediShare 5830.00 0.00 5830.00

Total 9546.12 3997.34 5458.78

Overall Total 886.57 7005.19 6118.62

The current MediShare balance is $7584.04, and the current total balance is $18802.45.

The membership roster database will be backed up periodically by W4DAN, and a copy forwarded to WA1HGE. The Treasurer’s report was accepted.

6. A written MediShare International report was submitted by N5QF, who was unable to attend the meeting. This report contained an update on the project to equip ambulances in Sri Lanka with two-way radio capability. Also, we have been asked to support a project of the dental school at University of North Carolina. In July, 2007, four dental students will travel to Malawi to assist at a new dental school there. MediShare Chairperson N5QF recommended that we contribute $400 to this effort. There was discussion of the MediShare net. The plan has been to convene on Echolink and, after a few minutes, move to 40 meters. Recently the NIH Echolink node has been down, however. It was noted that member WA3QWA is thinking about setting up Echolink capability. Also mentioned in the report was our brief interaction with Christian Medishare, a provider of health insurance to missionaries. We had placed a link to their organization on the MediShare website, as both entities had received misdirected email messages intended for the other. This actually seemed to make matters worse, however, so the link was removed. The MediShare report was accepted.

7. Smitty, W6CS, retold the story of MediShare’s origins and of the birth of the Bush Hospital Foundation.

8. KD4GUA presented the Newsletter Editor’s report. He continues to look for classified advertising. There was considerable discussion about a new name for the Newsletter. Suggestions included:

MARCO Carrier Signal
Cross Talk
Æther Or

For the past several months, a *.pdf version of the Newsletter has been published and made available for download on the MARCO Web site. This has been well-received. The report was accepted.

9. WA1HGE moved that the Assistant Treasurer (co-signer on the bank account) be the Secretary, rather than the President. This motion was carried.

10. KD4GUA noted that WB9EDP has acted as back-up net control station for Grand Rounds. Due to his location (Chicago), not everyone can hear him, however. KE5BQK (El Paso) has recently acted as a relay station. She is easily heard in the East, but not on the West Coast.

11. N5RTF submitted a brief report in-absentia. He continues to provide an Internet audio feed of Sunday morning Grand Rounds. He is still looking for someone with a better location to supply him with audio. Chip also asked for follow up on last year’s suggestion that MARCO develop and print its own QSL cards. WF1R had promised to do the art work for this, but he is now a silent key. It was suggested by WB6OJB instead that we make up stickers that each member could place on his/her own cards. The report was accepted.

12. W4DAN reported on the CW net which convenes prior to Grand Rounds. The participants have enjoyed it greatly. He proposed that the CW group convene 30 minutes prior to Grand Rounds, and initially take formal check-ins. After this, the frequency would be opened for general QSOs. He will float this proposal on the email reflector for comment.

13. There was discussion of N5RTF’s proposal at last year’s meeting to assist in placing ham stations in hospitals. KA7LOT stated that many VA hospitals are already so equipped, but the stations are usually not staffed. It was agreed that the operation of these emergency stations must be handled by local amateur radio organizations, and that MARCO’s scope is different.

14. For the past few years we have offered a $10 special introductory membership for new members joining at Dayton. Approximately 50% of these people renew their memberships. It was decided to continue this program.

15. The question of CME credit for those who audit Grand Rounds was raised. Some prospective members have Technician licenses and are unable to transmit on our net frequency. CME credit can be granted if we develop a post-lecture test for these people to take.

16. Other recruitment ideas were discussed. Our ad in QST will be reworded to make it more general and welcoming. KA7LOT suggested placing an ad in a medical newspaper or journal, in order to reach a different audience. There was debate as to whether a short advertisement or an article would be more likely to yield new members.

17. Recently Grand Rounds was moved from 14.308 MHz to 14.307 MHZ, to give us greater separation from the very wide, poor-quality signals on 14.310 MHz. This has been beneficial, and we will continue to convene on 14.307 MHz.

18. On four weekends each year Grand Rounds is nearly obliterated by contest QRM. These are the weekends of the CQWW, SS, ARRL DX, and CQ WPX phone contests. The question was raised as to whether we should continue to hold nets on those weekends. KD4GUA suggested that we try to get on our frequency early at those times to preserve a spot.

19. There was a brief discussion of the MARCO blog. KM2L has been the only contributor – although other officers have been invited to join, none have. The blog does provide a useful archive of interesting posts to MARCO-list. MARCO’s officers will be reinvited to join as contributors.

20. The MARCO-list email listserv continues to be a valuable resource for the organization. At some point in the future we will have to look at relocating the listserv and Web site from the University at Buffalo to another host, but we are OK for now.

21. W4DAN distributed printed membership rosters. This information is currently available in .pdf format through the MARCO website. After some debate it was decided that due to privacy concerns, Web access to this information should be discontinued.

22. 4X1LL indicated that he would attempt to establish a European MARCO net.

23. KA7LOT delivered an informative talk about VA medicine. This generated considerable discussion.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 PM

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