This Sunday Grand Rounds we will discuss "ISABEL." Who is she? She is a little girl in England who was misdiagnosed and almost died...her Dad began a program to help doctors make the right diagnosis. It has been very well received and is now on-going in the VA and many teaching hospitals. It is time we all knew about it--its ability to make diagnosis and its cost
I have tried to get hold of Albert Breland KA7LOT MD who has had experience with this program. I hope he can come on board. He was last heard to be in Alaska working for the VA. Bert was a neuro resident of our late President Bob Currier.
If Chip N5RTF or any other MARCO members have experience with Isabel, please be on board Sunday, 10 a.m. Eastern 14.308 (go down to 14.307 if Latin stations antagonistic.)
Good news--Bill Hazell, W4TAD is out of sick bay and home.
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