Friday, September 15, 2006

MARCO Grand Rounds for September 17, 2006

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Four years ago, our former Marco Secretary Robin Staebler was flying to the Dayton Hamvention. When he arrived he had severe abdominal cramps diagnosed as a bowel obstruction due to the expansion and contraction of the air in his bowel while climbing and descending in flight. The obstruction was relieved by surgery and Robin returned to Maine.

This recurred. On a second operation carcinoid was found--presumed to have originated in the adrenal gland. Since there is an average of 9 years between the onset of carcinoid and its diagnosis there is a good possibility this condition was asymptomatic for years.

Robin succumbed from carcinoid on July 23, 2006 (The true case history is not available and the above is a presumption.)

The incidence of this disease is increasing thus the need for discussion this coming Sunday, 14.308, 10 a.m. Eastern.

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