Thursday, November 03, 2005

MARCO Grand Rounds for October 30, 2005

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Last Sunday we were "rained out" by the contestants. This Sunday we will talk about "GAS." We have discussed this before and have learned a lot....for example, food from the mouth can reach the iliocecal valve within 30 minutes (according to our radiologist Ian, K3IK). Question: How much blood does it take to color the stools black? Tune in Sunday, 10 a.m. eastern 14.308. CME standings will be posted next week. If there are no alternatives we will discuss "AUTISM" the following week and hope that we can pick up our Prez Chip Keister N5RTF our NP consult. This condition, believe it or not, is present in 6 out of each 1000 births and no (at this time) it is not caused by MMR injections.

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