Wednesday, August 24, 2005

MARCO Grand Rounds for August 21, 2005

From Warren, KD4GUA:

We finished up on B-12 last week (if you missed it, it will appear in the next Newsletter). We are still ahead of last year with check-ins and last year was a record year. We had some unusual check-ins Sunday, i.e., WB2UFO checked in, W4UVS, Ed Westcott, came on board after having a CVA and he did very well. Linda KE5BQK's" husband Bernie (KD5QHV) managed to land on the net and Bob Morgan VE3OQM came through for the third straight week.
This week JAMA Aug 10 2005 Page 716, "Guidelines and Quality of Care for Older Persons." It basically says guidelines (known as cookbook medicine) may be OK when the patient has ONE disease but most older people have multiple diseases and things get mixed up. Tom W3GAT is bringing some ammunition to keep the show explosive. Isn't it great what the ter----- are doing to the drug industry! They wiped out the small airplane manufacturers, they are working on the doctors and now the drug companies. Bill, KC9CS, our Abbott Rep should have some GOOD comment.

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