As of this date no news from our President Chip Keister N5RTF in New Orleans...when last heard from Sunday he was contemplating moving out of the city. Any news place on Listserve. Also no news from John WB5BHB in Vancleave, MS.
Last Sunday we discussed the use of guidelines which are primarily used for one disease and which get complicated when there are several comorbidities present especially in older patients. Our checkins are doing very well: To date, Aug. 28 checkins for 2002: 875; for 2003, 966; for 2004, 1,021 and for this year 1,045. KD4GUA, Warren, will be in Washington D.C. this weekend, and Harry WB9EDP has gratiously volunteered to be net control Sunday. Please keep record of check-ins...program pending.