Thursday, May 19, 2005

May 15 Grand Rounds Summary and Standings

Thanks to Warren, KD4GUA, for the information:

Last Sunday we weathered some of the solar storm with 24 checkins--Harry said the Chicago papers were looking for aurora in the area that night. Talk was about Lupus, the wolf-like disease that strikes so many of our younger women. The skin version (discoid Lupus) is relatively benign with only 10% converting to the bad systemic brand.
This week Harry WB9EDP will talk about the spin-off from HIV research--it's there and we should realize this research affects all virology diseases. Just look at the spin-off from the Space program (MRI scans etc) and one realizes there is more to it.
Since New Orleans and two bad solar storms on the past two sundays there may be some discrepancies in the below...if so advise.
1. 20 W3FYA Doug Baltimore, MD
1. 20 W3GAT Tom Shreveport, LA
1. 20 W4TAD Bill Largo, FL
1. 20 KG6JLE Paul Atherton, CA
1. 20 N6DMV Paul Torrance, CA
1. 20 N9MO Rich Marshfield, WI
2. 19 WB6EDP Harry Chicago, IL
2. 19 WB6OJB Arnold Pacific Palisades, CA
2. 19 KC9CS Bill Largo, FL.
3. 18 KD4GUA Warren Largo, FL.
3. 18 WB5BHB John Vancleave, MS
3. 18 N5RTF Chipper New Orleans, LA
4. 17 W8LJZ Jim Detroit, MI
5. 16 WA1HGE Lou Francestown, NH
5. 16 KM2L Bruce Clarence, NY
6. 15 K3WFP Lee Wayne, PA
6. 15 KC9ARN Ellen Chicago, IL
6. 15 KE5BQK Linda El Paso, TX
6. 15 KM5VU Bobby Blenham, TX
7. 14 WA6VEY Bob San Diego, CA
7. 14 N5JDT Willis Alamagordo, NM
8. 13 W4DAN Danny Cleveland, TN
9. 12 WA3QWA Mark Chesapeake, VA
9 12 KE2DT Bud Fair Haven, NJ
10. 11 WD9GET Keith Houston, TX
11. 10 N8GMB Chuck Kirtland, Ohio
11. 10 KE3XB John Rochester, NY
12. 9 N3HG Gene Newtown Square, PA
13. 8 W5GJH Joe Houston, TX
14. 7 N4MKT Larry St. Petersburg, FL.
14. 7 K0FS Fred St. Louis, MO
14. 7 KQ4IC Ted Palmetto, GA.
14 7 TI2OS Jocko Costa Rica
15 6 K3IK Ian Shavertown, PA
16. 5 AA5KV John Shreveport, LA
16. 5 N5QF Bill TAhlequah, OK
16. 5 W9GLG Jerry Wassau, WI
16. 5 W3DRB Miles Elizabethtown, PA
17. 4 K4RLC Bob Raleigh, NC
17. 4 KE4WME Andy Williamsburg, VA
17. 4 WF1R Robin Belfast, Maine
17 4 N4IN David Louisville, KY
17. 4 W1DCB Josh Magnolia, Mass.
18. 3 K9AJ Mike Chicago, IL
19. 2 KF1J Bob Fairfield, CT
19. 2 K5ZNN Manny Milwaukee, WI.

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