Wednesday, March 30, 2016

MARCO Grand Rounds for April 3, 2016

From Warren KD4GUA:

THIS SUNDAY WE WILL DISCUSS "MENINGOCOCCAL DISEASE."  We all have meninges and we want to them to remain as is but sometimes termites invest our inner sanctum.  Tune in and brush the cobwebs aside and relearn this tantalizing subject.  Should be fun.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

MARCO Grand Rounds for 27, 2016

From Warren KD4GUA:

THIS Sunday we will discuss "COLORECTAL CANCER," which will hit one out of every 20 Americans.  What hemoccult test should I use?  Are all colonoscopists the same?  Lots of questions and some answers....tune in and find some hopefully.  The scene is changing rather rapidly

Friday, March 18, 2016

MARCO Grand Rounds for March 20, 2016

Warren, KD4GUA is having problems with his radio. If he can straighten this out before net time, he will continue the discussion of kidney stones from last week. If not, we will take check-ins and discuss whatever issues people raise.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

MARCO Grand Rounds for March 13, 2016

From Warren KD4GUA:

This Sunday, by demand, we will discuss "Kidney Stones."  Any urologists on board?  This is something you want to stay away from except at 11 am. on this Sunday....tune in should be fun.