Thursday, January 28, 2016

MARCO Grand Rounds for January 31, 2016

From Warren KD4GUA:

THIS SUNDAY we will discuss by demand, the ZIKA VIRUS which is affecting Central and South America of which there are 22 transit cases in the USA.  It is closely affiliated with the CHIKUNGUNYA virus which originated in Tanzania, Africa, & Dengue fever  There have already been 1.65 MILLION cases of Zika reported in Brazil in 2015.  Tune in should be fun.

Friday, January 22, 2016

MARCO Grand Rounds for January 24, 2016

From Warren KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will discuss HEPATITIS C.  About 3.2 million Americans have it and most don't know it...who should get treated and by whom?  Newest therapy cures 90% of cases but costs anywhere from $34,000 to $84,000 for a two months course.  If everyone is treated it will take 10% of the US health budget....thus who should be treated!.  Tune in and try and find the answers.  

Monday, January 11, 2016

MARCO Grand Rounds for January 17 2016

From Warren KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will discuss LUPUS which basically is a civil war going on in someone's body...the body attacks itself thinking it is the enemy (like an irate wife with a rolling pin)...In the 18th Century it was thought to be caused by a wolf bite, thus the name "lupus" meaning "wolf" in Latin.   Tune in, should be fun time.

Saturday, January 02, 2016

MARCO Grand Rounds for January 3, 2016

Fro Warren KD4GUA:
     THIS SUNDAY WE WILL DISCUSS “CHAGA’S DISEASE.”  This is more commonly found in South and Central America but which is now moving North into the USA with mass migration.  It is estimated there are 300,000 cases already in the US.
     Although you have probably never seen a case it is out there waiting to be diagnosed, the problem being most people with the disease don’t know it—it is like having termites in your body just as we are unaware of the little devils eating our house without our knowledge.  Tune in for a “wake-up”call.