Friday, May 30, 2014

MARCO Grand Rounds for June 1, 2014

From Warren, KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will discuss "Why George Washington wore a wig."  The reason:  Head Lice!  We will discuss the latter not the former.
And grab this," DAMMIT,I'M MAD" is "DAMMIT I'M MAD," spelled backwards--try it!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

MARCO Grand Rounds for May 25, 2014

From Warren KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will discuss “Multiple Myeloma.”  

Just back from Dayton where we all had a good time, details pending in the August Aether.  More later, 

Minutes of the MARCO Annual Meeting

Medical Amateur Radio Council Annual Meeting

May 16, 2014
Dayton, Ohio

In attendance: Mary, AE4BX President; Jeff, K6JW President-Elect; Danny W4DAN, Secretary-Treasurer; Warren KD4GUA Newsletter Editor; Arnold WB6OJB MediShare Director; Bruce KM2L Director; Keith N3IM Director; Roger W8CRK Director; Bill WA9HIR Director; Linda KE5BQK Director; Chuck N8CL; Bobbie W1BEW; Bernie KD5QHV; Malin KO6MD; Richard K9CIV; Joe WB2MXJ; Chip N5RTF and Carl WA3ZZU.

The meeting was called to order by AE4BX at 8:30 AM EDT.

Minutes of the 2013 meeting were approved as read by W4DAN.

Secretary's Report: Danny reported that we have 205 members; almost all are paid up. Between January 2013 and March 2014 we added 17 new members. Most of these found us and joined through the Web site.

Treasurer's Report: Danny reported that when Lou WA1HGE was Treasurer, he set up two accounts. One was a CD bearing higher interest. MARCO and MediShare funds were co-mingled. Danny recommends separate accounts for MARCO and for MediShare. Our current balance is:
MARCO $11115.15
MediShare $ 5762.78
Total $16877.83

These funds are tied up in a local bank in New Hampshire, and we have been unable thus far to transfer them to another bank after Lou's death. Our plan is to transfer the money to a national bank and authorize other members of the Executive Committee as signers. W8CRK will ask his son-in-law, who is a banker, for clarification as to what steps we must take.

As determined at last year's meeting, Mary will assume the duties of Treasurer upon the completion of her term as President at this meeting.

Motion by Keith to move our finds to Wells Fargo. Second by Jeff. The motion was carried.

Motion by Jeff to reaffirm Mary as Treasurer, for the record. Second by Arnold. The motion was carried.

Motion by Mary to nominate Bobbie as Assistant Treasurer. Second by Bernie. The motion was carried.

Web Site Report: Bruce reported that he no longer edits the Web site. Dave Lieberman KT8E is the only one with the ability to maintain the site. There has been no recent news from Dave. Danny stated that the Google Ad-Words campaign was suspended as it was not working well. Bruce continues to post news to the Blog and maintains the email listserv. Both are working well.

Chip continues to stream audio of Grand Rounds on Sunday morning. He could use a better quality audio source, as his location is noisy and reception is not always good. Bruce provides a Skype feed, and possibly Chip could use that. Bobbie usually hears Warren quite well, and regularly joins the Skype conference call. It was suggested that he provide the audio feed over Skype.

Grand Rounds Report: Warren would like more active participants at Grand Rounds. Although we have a large number of check-ins, he would like to hear more questions and would be glad to share duties with other presenters. The American Osteopathic Association did not recognize the CME credits we awarded. They classify their credits according to a different scheme than the AMA. This issue has apparently been resolved.

MediShare Report: Arnold reports that we have no active projects, although our funds would support a small one. We received favorable publicity from our support of the T33A DXpedition. Carl suggested that we consider supporting other DXpeditions with a clinical component to them.

Old Business:
The MARCO brochure designed by Bobbie has been printed and is ready for distribution at the MARCO booth at Hamvention. Those in attendance each received a copy.

Thanks to Keith for setting up the booth.

New Business: Jeff proposed a series of dates for next year's meeting, which will take place in Los Angeles. None of these was universally acceptable, so he will research the issue.

Election of Officers:
President: Jeff K6JW assumes the office.
President-Elect: Nominees are Jay AA4FL and Richard K9CIV. Richard was elected.
Secretary: The request of the Secretary to step down was tabled by the President. Danny remains Secretary.
Treasurer: Mary assumes the role of Treasurer.

Directors: Roger reports that John WD8NMV is unable to continue as 4th Call Area Director, and wishes to resign. No action was taken on this request.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 AM EDT.

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

MARCO Grand Rounds for May 11, 2014

From Warren KD4GUA:

THIS SUNDAY, the Sunday before Dayton, we will discuss DIZZINESS.  What is the “Epley Maneuver?”
Danny reports 31 so far registered fro the Banquet May 17, in Dayton, should be a shoot-out!    By the way what happens if you get scared  half to death twice?

Tune in should be fun….