Monday, February 24, 2014

MARCO Grand Rounds for March 2, 2014

From Warren KD4GUA:

    This Sunday we discussed "DVT" and suddenly my signal disappeared--but you hung on--except for one station--what happened shouldn't happen to you so here goes:  In using the mike I inadvertently shoved a paper against the transceiver dial and suddenly I was going out bound on 14.345--someone followed me up--my Icom angel--and told me I was off frequency!  

     This Sunday we will discuss "THE DIRTY BOMB."  There are over 2 million radio-active sources in the USA alone and 200,000 are at risk. A "Dirty bomb" is a psychological weapon that can be used to terrorize populations.  It is not a weapon of mass destruction, it is a weapon of mass disruption.  It is very expensive and difficult to clean up.  We must educate people not to panic.  We must keep it out of the hands of those who have access and who are determined to use the material for a dirty bomb.  To make the morning more enjoyable we will throw in a little Sarin, Anthrax, Tabun and mention a few others like Ricin--tune in--and don't forget to bring your face mask.  

AND, remember:  "Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that come from bad judgment."

Monday, February 17, 2014

MARCO Grand Rounds for February 23, 2014

From Warren KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will discuss, by demand, "DEEP VENOUS THROMBOSIS."  The three factors of Virchow's triad, venous stasis, hypercoagulability, changes in the endothelial wall, result in "DVTs."
     When in Med school, we had a professor who exhibited Virchow's triad and he demanded that his inferior vena cava be tied off to prevent pulmonary one would do it--but one surgeon!  He lived a normal life span with "piano legs!"  He was an unpleasant site in shorts but he had the guts to save his own life--he was a pathologist.

     Tune in should be fun time.

Friday, February 14, 2014

MARCO Grand Rounds for February 16, 2014

From Warren KD4GUA:

This Sunday, by unpopular demand, we will present a discussion on 'TINNITUS".   That ringing, sssssssssss you may be hearing in your left or right ears that is driving you bananas! 
     Last week we had an excellent talk on "cataracts."  Let's try and keep up the participation that makes these talks so interesting.  Tune in, should be fun.
Did you hear about the  great grandfather who never drank, never smoked, and never ran around with loose women and was just about to celebrate his 105th birthday.  HOW?


Thursday, February 06, 2014

MARCO Grand Rounds for February 9, 2014

From Warren KD4GUA:

This Sunday we will continue the discussion on CATARACTS.  Last week was informative, this week bring your questions...Bud N5AN, our ophthalmologist, will be on board......
and remember, "If you've seen one shopping center, you've seen a mall!" 

     Tip of the hat to Arnold WB6OJB for this one....