Tuesday, November 29, 2011

MARCO Grand Rounds for December 4, 2011

From Warren KD4GUA:
This Sunday we will continue the discussion on "Strokes."  Last Sunday we broke the all-time check-in record of 47 stations by adding six additional for a total of 53 .  Propagation was great and we had good group participation.  
Hope everyone has received their "Aether" as it was sent out on Monday. 
CME Category II certificates will be sent in the next issue to all those with their dues paid-up, so check your labels for your dues due date.
Let's break another record this Sunday!  Keep the blue side up.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

MARCO Grand Rounds for November 27, 2011

From Warren, KD4GUA:

Last Sunday was a wash-out due to the contest...if you didn't hear them in the north we could hear them in Dixie and if Dixie couldn't hear them you heard them in the North.  So, the discussion was postponed until this Sunday.  The topic being:      ACUTE STROKE AT THE CROSSROADS (JAMA Nov. 9, 2011, page 2026). 
I hope Fred K0FS can be on board (our neurologist) but he has been operating on a thin wire lately.
The Newsletter should go out tomorrow, Nov. 25,  More later--keep the blue side up.

Friday, November 18, 2011

MARCO Grand Rounds fro November 20, 2011

From Warren KD4GUA:

This Sunday is scheduled for a "CONTEST."  However, we will attempt to have a discussion on VOX POX, not chicken pox, i.e., a variety of today's problems in medicine and radio.  If you have an interesting subject you would like discussed please advise.  

Otherwise the prime target will be "Acute Stroke Therapy at the Crossroads."  (JAMA Nov. 9, 2011 page 2026).

Monday, November 07, 2011

MARCO Grand Rounds for November 13, 2011

From Warren, KD4GUA:

We should have started Sunday's net with "reveille," as apparently some didn't "fall back" in time--we did harness 32 stations but propogation was good to start but then got inundated with noise...
     This coming Sunday we will discuss "Medical Marijuana."  Many of you live in states where it is illegal (like in Florida) yet it flourishes.  It is a fuzzy topic because apparently it is not enforceable with bad economies and limited jail space.  Some say it should be legalized and then penalize users when they break other laws like driving while under the influence--similar to alcohol.  Would it empty our jails and bring in more tax money?  Getting interesting isn't it?  Let us know what your state is doing.    Tune in, should be fun.