Hope you all enjoyed my absence last Sunday as I was in Washington straightening things out.
....This Sunday we will continue the discussion on the FLU. By the way, the Potomac drinking water is addictive. If any of you already have the flu you can tell us how you feel first hand, if not, now you will feel when you get it. Quite an experience and especially since it doesn't cost anything to get it. (Be careful handling money as the virus likes it and latches on for 17 days plus--no more shaking hands, only bowing).
Should be fun (talking about it). Tune in Sunday 10 am Eastern 14.307.
Webmaster's note: This week is the CQWW SSB contest, so there is likely to be major QRM. Show up at the appointed place/time and we will see if we can make a "go" of it.
Should be fun (talking about it). Tune in Sunday 10 am Eastern 14.307.
Webmaster's note: This week is the CQWW SSB contest, so there is likely to be major QRM. Show up at the appointed place/time and we will see if we can make a "go" of it.