This Sunday we will continue the discussion of the History of Illegal Drugs. It is a challenging subject and was featured recently on the History Channel from which much of the data has been taken.
Alexander the Great conquered the known world with the help of opium and now, once again, opium is trying to conquer our world. Will it succeed?
Do we have to be "Normally normal" as Sigmoid Freud stated after he got high on cocaine?
WANTED: Send your Buy-Sell items not to E-bay but to the "Spark-Key" Marco Newsletter. Empty your Dagwood closets so we can all enjoy your junk--stop being possessive--perhaps the xyl will then have more room to store her shoes. 73...........Warren
A reply from Al, KA7LOT:
I recall reading an article 15 or so years ago in Smithsonian about a cocaine epidemic in