This Sunday we will discuss a very important subject:”EFFECTS OF EXERCISE IN PATIENTS WTH CHRONIC HEART FAILURE.”
In answer to the patient’s question, “Doctor, will exercise make my heart failure worse?
This Sunday we will discuss a very important subject:”EFFECTS OF EXERCISE IN PATIENTS WTH CHRONIC HEART FAILURE.”
In answer to the patient’s question, “Doctor, will exercise make my heart failure worse?
This coming Sunday we will talk about ACCUPUNCTURE. Does it work? Or is it the 17% of patients who respond to the placebo effect? Lots of pros and cons; should be an interesting hour.
This Sunday, by REQUEST, we will discuss HYPOthermia. The U.S. Coast Guard has a 50/50/50 rule which means if someone is in the water at 50 degrees for 50 minutes they have a 50% chance of living….many nic nacs will be presented, such as “does most of the body heat leave the body via the head?” Tune in, should be fun.
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This Sunday we should have a full bladder….#1 by request, “What is the 4Kscore (the new test for prostate cancer? #2, “What is the latest on ‘Does Death Exist?” And if we have time. “How to change the Russian mind.” A lot of good stuff—don’t miss and add your three cents.
THIS SUNDAY WE WILL DISCUSS The Tennessee Mom who recently gave birth to a 24 year old previously frozen embryo.
Do you realize the Mother was just 1.5 years old when the embryo was frozen? Her daughter Emma Wren was born on Nov. 25
We will add to the spice by presenting a scientific version of the current feelings about after life experiences…Bring you own tidbits that your patients have told you about and we will compare notes. Should be a FUN time.
This Sunday at the request of Dave Justis KN0S in Virginia, we will discuss OBESITY IS LINKED TO AT LEAST 13 TYPES OF CANCER, a new study released recently the New England JOURNAL OF MEDICINE. The title speaks for itself….tune in and be on the cutting edge.