EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! Bobby KM5VU has re-opened a very interesting subject, the "one-pay insurance plan for everyone," which has met with a very hefty response. To keep in step with the times, we will postpone the "Ionization Discussion" to Sunday July 10th and discuss "The One Payer plan," this coming Sunday, July 3rd. (Harry WB9EDP, take note.)
ALSO, It was the consensus of opinion that, IF you listen to Grand Rounds on the computer replay, you will be credited with 1 hr Category II CME. To listen to last weeks discussion go to http://NY01.mediacast1.com:9698/content/marco20050626.pls Sunday's net was better than most, propogation wise, according to President Chipper.
If you qualify, notify warenbrown@aol.com You cannot get 2 hrs credit by listening to both Grand Rounds and the Replay. If there are any Board Members not in agreement with above, please state your feelings.
warren kd4gua
If you qualify, notify warenbrown@aol.com You cannot get 2 hrs credit by listening to both Grand Rounds and the Replay. If there are any Board Members not in agreement with above, please state your feelings.
warren kd4gua